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  1. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    More ITA's : this could be one of the reason for the delay... Also, as I heard from many that sometimes CIC officers are assigned to clear the backlog of work, ie Work permit, Tourist Visa, etc... So, the delays are quite common in most cases... We can hope for the best...
  2. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Hey, what's your AOR date?
  3. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Congrats buddy!...
  4. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Congrats!... Are you inland applicant?, what's your AOR date? (can't find you in AOR-Oct-2016 sheet)
  5. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    As per "OCT-2016" tracking sheet, CIC completes/passes medicals faster for "outland" applicants. 7/24 completed their medicals, ie 6 outland (with PNP) and only 1 inland. myimmitracker.com/en/ca/trackers/aor-october-2016-permanent-residency-tracker
  6. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    This is one of the "General Statistics" tool to find out PR processing time, but I'm not really sure how well this works. public.tableau.com/profile/sergii1858#!/vizhome/ExpressEntry/GeneralStatistics
  7. vickymichael

    Anybody got Indian PCC with Work permit valid for less than 6 months

    Yes, you're true... Its not really mandatory that you need a valid work permit... I have applied for pcc when my work permit was valid for less than 3 months and got the pcc in 10 days... Also, my friend applied for pcc when he was in implied status (ie, expired work permit) and got the pcc...
  8. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    congrats and welcome to the club!!!
  9. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Yes, you'll get an email update when medical completed, background started, etc... But I'm still wondering why there is GHOST email when nothing changed?, is it something like some cic-officer opened our file?
  10. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Congrats!!! :) :) :)
  11. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Thank you... Yes, I'm an inland applicant...
  12. vickymichael

    AOR in OCTOBER 2016 POOL

    Hi All, I have submitted my application on October 28, and yesterday received a ghost email from cic telling that "My application had an update", but nothing changed and remains same as below: Application/profile status => Open Review of eligibility => Review in Progress Review of medical...