Two choices:
1) Study hard(enter in uni) and earn money later. uni Degree help u alot,
2) Choose college and earn and learn.
In Wireless networking colleges are rare if u considering as a PG .. Fleming is one of them
Go for uni if u get admission
welcome to lambton batch , one friend of us from delhi got visa for may batch in mbct and me and my friend are waiting for visa. send your contact or be in touch. see you at lambton mbct batch
In that case its enough if you show 30 lac as a loan, moreover Your mother and fathers Return should be fine! n last Liquid money in form of bank statement , If possible hire an agent, he will help you more than us!
nothing need mention from your side. it will impact wrong, stress on clear cut SOP, which state why this course,why canada n which this college n outcome of the study