he can request berlin that its illegal to send passports out of pakistan like many members did that before..then berlin will ask islamabad to stamp visa....and it is called step 1 and step 2 letters.... check this forum for details......
yes you can. send them urgent email that you need them back. it wont affect ur case. i know ppl on this forum got their transcripts back...so noworries
dude if you have waited for 4 years then wait for a little more...haste makes waste...and always love your mother land who enabled you to migrate to canada.........
I am starting this thread for those people who have applied more than once for FSW. Share your time lines and progress so we can help each other.
My visa office is London
I applied first in may 2010 (pre june). Got my first AOR and 2nd AOR.
I applied again in June 2011 (post june). I haven't...