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  1. J

    DECEMBER 2014 - OUTLAND Applicants

    It gives you more information about your file, where it is, etc. There are also notes typed into the system that may be of value as well. It's free to request.
  2. J

    DECEMBER 2014 - OUTLAND Applicants

    Has anybody ordered their GCMS notes? I ordered mine on April 16th and just got them yesterday. I love how when you use your UCI on CIC's website, you get just a few lines of info. The notes I got via email are in a 31-page PDF. I'm deciphering them now.
  3. J

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I just got my wife's entire CIC file from ATIP. It took a month, but they sent it. When I log into the CIC website with her UCI, I get two lines of info: Sponsor Approval and Medical Results Received. Her CIC file is 31 pages long.
  4. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    I'm sure there's an easy fix for your DRL issue. Not sure if it will be cheap or not, but I'm sure there's a kit or something out there.
  5. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    Correct. It's a Volvo - so it was made in Sweden (metric) to conform with U.S. standards (not metric). It has a dual speedometer (MPH and km/h). That's sufficient in Ontario. By daytime running lights - it means that even if your light switch is in the OFF position, the lights come on when the...
  6. J

    Travel Insurance for US Citizens Visiting the USA (& not covered by prov. plan)

    Background: Wife is visiting Canada/Ontario with a visitor record that is good until June 30 (she an outland applicant). She has travel insurance to cover her while she is here in Ontario, but she is planning a trip to the USA mid-May to visit parents. Since she doesn't have OHIP, no travel...
  7. J

    Export + Import of Vehicle (AES, Queenston-Lewiston)

    This link may help (assuming you are headed for Ontario from Michigan): https://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/drive-ontario-visitors As for your insurance, I'm sure it's valid - but for how long? Number of days? Combined total of days? My broker said I was good for 6 months, until the...
  8. J

    Export + Import of Vehicle (AES, Queenston-Lewiston)

    I appreciate your kind words.
  9. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    Now I remember part of the reason why it's cheaper-ish. They auto-charge your credit card on a monthly basis. I recall somebody telling me that on the phone at some point. Of course, I can't get it insured until it's registered and I can registered until it passes the safety inspection.
  10. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    2004 Volvo XC90. CBSA put a value of $10,089.00CAD on the car. I still didn't have to pay anything. And yeah, just PM/DM me or whatever.
  11. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    I had the same reaction. Chieftan is the name, I think. That's alllllllllmost as good as my rate in the USA. I was also told to check with my local chamber of commerce as they often get excellent group rates for members/business-owners. I work for myself, but the cost to join the chamber just...
  12. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    Got my RIV sticker in the mail today. The instructions on where to place it are interesting: "Passenger Car: The hinge pillar, door latch post or the door edge that meets the door latch post next to the driver's seating position." If ever there was a written direction screaming for a...
  13. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    I think I answered my own question: http://www.cdn.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/handbook/section5.2.3.shtml " New residents New Ontario residents have 30 days to register their vehicles. To get a permit and Ontario licence plates, go to a ServiceOntario centre. You must bring along...
  14. J

    RIV "Inspection" (Canadian Tire / Ontario)

    Here's part of the continuation of my export/import story. The RIV inspection took about 4...maybe 5 minutes. I walked into Canadian Tire, found the guy, he asked me to show him the car. He was looking at/for the following (as per my RIV inspection form...Form 2): - Did you convert your...
  15. J

    Which bank to open account in

    I went with CIBC. A few glitches along the way which can be expected from any bank, but my advice (if you go with CIBC) is to get yourself a personal financial advisor. Mine has helped me smooth out some wrinkles and gone above and beyond what your typical teller can/will do. Although, my...
  16. J

    Export + Import of Vehicle (AES, Queenston-Lewiston)

    NOTE: I'm not sure if you still have to pay tax/duty on the value above $10,000CAD... That didn't apply to me so I wasn't looking into it, but do check my notes on determining a lower value for you car.
  17. J

    Export + Import of Vehicle (AES, Queenston-Lewiston)

    Were you a returning Canadian? Yes. I was in the US for 15 years. I am sponsoring my wife (outland) who is currently in Canada on a VR under dual intent. I'm sponsoring my husband, and we have 2 cars. One car, which is mine with my name on the title, is also 2 months old. His car is 3 yrs...
  18. J

    Export + Import of Vehicle (AES, Queenston-Lewiston)

    Thank you, Jonnee. Like I said, if anybody has any questions about this, let me know.
  19. J

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Just a quick follow-up to this: I managed to make it about 60 days before any trouble. And the trouble was from my insurance company/agent. They were only willing to cover me for 30 days in Canada, which I didn't know (my agent told me 6 months at first) - my insurance agent ultimately snitched...