Hey there,
In my AOR1 letter they mentioned that they might ask for the original PCC at a later date. Am guessing it is verify that it is authentic and not tampered with like Wallace said!
We sent the regular NoA for 2015 as we did not file taxes yet for 2016 and IRCC probably expects that you have not filed it yet.
Unless your 2016 income is a lot higher than 2015 and you want to show them that you are in a better situation than last year.
Hope this helps
Latest update!
We received an email from IRCC today stating that the application has been sent to the VO in Bucharest! AWESOME!
Best of luck to everyone
Hi there,
Our application was received on the 16th and so far we have received AOR1, SA and 'In Process' status.
Hope you get yours soon.
I received an email to link my account, linked the account and found a message asking for PCC + Schedule A. Upload done on Mar 02 2017.
SA received on Mar 10 2017 as per signature below
I wouldn't open it if I were you, they might have left a note that it is invalid if opened by the unauthorized personnel.
I could be wrong, call the Japanese embassy in Ottawa ((613) 241-8541)and find out.