I was hoping to get PCC for the duration that she lived in Bangalore,
She worked in Bangalore from 2006 to 2010 moved a couple times(domlur and koramangala) sharing accommodation with friends, never having a rental contract in her name.
She has her employer letter and address of the office...
Just check the Ontario Nomination Update page. they have a new post for 3rd Nov. there a PDF which I believe can be used as a guide. this may help you!
The way the draw has happened in the past is, if the draw happen in consecutive weeks, the next draw will be in 2 weeks.
Never in the past we had the draws in 3 consecutive week. if it will that will be a new record.
WOW! i dint expect this...
never thought for sure that draw will happen today!
Congrats to all who got in and will get their ITA in the next 24 hrs... draw 56
What is the chance for a draw today...
I know it could be less, but still...
Also with the IT problems and application overload that they are facing, I believe that chanced could be even less
but still u'll never know.
I have not tried this
But can we take a evaluation first for EE and then link that to the GCKey account!
Will that allow me to have a second EE profile to the same GCKey?
i am in the same confusion created in OCT 2016
would be ok if i keep this EE profile and create a duplicate and delete the old AFTER the new one activates
the question is it OK
do you think now its too late to delete and recreate the account.
how much time did it take to re activate.
i was hoping for the NOI and dint receive it.
So when do you all think is the next draw.
will it be like Jan with 3 in a month, something like this...
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Just being overly optimistic.
9744 ITA was issued in Jan
Congrats ITA winners of this draw, All the best for the future. keep in touch, and if possible update your progress.
we will be around in this thread...
anyone got a NOI from OINP?
I think if i get the NOI now i will apply! won't care if the point drops below 429...
i just don't want to gamble.
i have not slept this week. can't concentrate at work!
take a look at page 30 (bottom) of this PDF(Pg 32)
i can't get the table on in this reply