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  1. C

    "Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476)" along with study permit application?

    If you are NOMINATING a representative, fill out fields A, B, & D. If this is hard for you, ask your representative to help you. Good luck :)
  2. C

    BC PNP Regional Entrepreneur Category

    There are business brokers. Some people say there is actually a shortage of eligible businesses as many investors want to participate in BC business immigration since the old federal program shut down (and everyone in process was application cancelled). Currently the BC business immigration...
  3. C

    Business for sale will it qualify PNP

    Scylla, are you sure? Outside of the lower mainland, BC PNP used to be 200k minimum investment. That being said, the whole business stream of BC PNP is currently "on pause". There is a chance they will change (raise) the criteria, most likely increasing the investment amount or job creation...
  4. C

    "Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476)" along with study permit application?

    Fill out section A, B & D. For question 6, check the third box ("your representative is UNCOMPENSATED and is a ... member of the ... ICCRC"). The representative should have their firm/contact information for question 7. Mandatory means you MUST submit this form as you are using a...
  5. C

    "Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476)" along with study permit application?

    If you used a representative (paid or unpaid) it is mandatory to send the 5476 form. It says "if applicable" because if you did it 100% yourself then you don't need it. I would question your representative if they say the form is not required.
  6. C

    Form Change alert! New IMM 0008 as of February 2015

    Call CIC and ask them -- I'm not the government, I can't tell you what form they will accept. Generally, if the change is very recent it's OK (although I have heard of a rejection from a form that changed the day they sent it out). However, it's now April and the form was changed in February
  7. C

    BC PNP Intake for Regular Stream Paused for 90 Days

    The article in the Vancouver Sun says applications received before noon tuesday ... http://www. vancouversun .com/puts+month+freeze+applications+from+prospective+labour+immigrants/10935374/story.html Not sure which to believe.
  8. C

    BC PNP Intake for Regular Stream Paused for 90 Days

    Somewhere on the BC PNP website it says, applications received OR postmarked March 31st will be accepted. So I think you're OK. Sorry I can't post a link but if you look on their website it's there. I think it really sucks that there was no advance warning on this one. Good luck !
  9. C

    PGWP, Canadian Experience

    CIC's website has information on duration of programs and duration of ensuing PGWP. I can't post links but you can find it on there. What do you think the relationship between the 600 point bonus and education is for EE? The 600 point bonus is from either a "qualifying" job offer (supported...
  10. C

    Your thoughts on this article

    The Alexander article says they wanted 18,000 CEC's in 2014, yet the global cap was 8000 applications. That means each applicant had an average of 1.25 dependents...
  11. C


    Thanks Lammawitch. There are indeed a few examples listed on the site. In the past when I have called a few times, I got conflicting answers from different call centre reps at ESDC. I wish there was an official list. @Prashanth85 Have you tried searching in the forum? Some people have got...
  12. C


    Read the instructions on ESDC's website carefully. If you have questions, you can call ESDC/Service Canada at 1-800-367-5693 (this is the hotline for employers). Remember, you the employee should NOT be paying the advertising / recruiting costs -- the employer should pay for all the...
  13. C

    bc pnp ( Company Information template)

    Bump -- I am interested in this as well. I have googled but didn't find any example profiles specific to PNP.
  14. C

    Form Change alert! New IMM 0008 as of February 2015

    Hey guys, I was on the CIC website today and I saw that there is a new version of IMM 0008 again, updated February 2015. It was just changed in November 2014. Heads up to use the new form if you need 0008. I have been looking through, and I'm not sure what they changed this time ... ...
  15. C

    ITA for CEC Applicants

    Thanks HulaHoop! :)
  16. C

    second draw already done

    Hi joybrc & others I checked with my phone and computer in multiple browsers - only showed the January 31st information even when I refreshed. THEN I disconnected from wifi and used 3G data -- Now I can see the February 7th draw on my phone. :o OK, so there was a second draw with info on...
  17. C

    second draw already done

    Like many in this thread, I am unable to see the second set of ministerial instructions through normal browsing (though I can see the page on "Previous" instructions english/department/mi/ita.asp) If I look through the proxy server (free-proxyserver) suggested earlier in the thread, I can see...