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  1. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Good info Galip, thanks. Damascus used to deal with a whole big chunk of nationalities for immigration. Don't quote me on this, but as far as I'm aware, when the Damascus office closed Ankara got the Iranian applicants (a few under the federal skilled worker program were oddly transferred to...
  2. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    ;D So, there is only one working day left for the month of January. I'm a bit surprised that we haven't seen much action on this forum with ppr or in process this month. Well, here's hoping that February and Ankara kick off with a bang of good news when they are back to work on Monday! :)
  3. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Roses are Red Violets are Blue Where is our visa Ankara, we love you! :P
  4. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Yes, actually I think they should get an MP involved - I know they say as long as you're within processing time they can't do much, but trying something is better than nothing!
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    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Anyone else savour that time in the morning before you check your email or check-in with your spouse? I always feel so hopeful like "ANYTHING is possible in these next 15 minutes...maybe right now there is an email waiting for us!" But by the time it reaches 17:00 Turkish time and the end of the...
  6. S

    Ankara - Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Applications

    Befa42, Although I have not applied under the parent and grandparent family class, I suggest the following. Contact the Ankara visa office using this form: https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=ankara State your question very clearly and in a short...
  7. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Definitely no harm in that! I visited the Canadian Embassy in Ankara before my husband and I got married it was actually a really nice place, haha. I think I visited the "Canadians only" entrance and area though (separate from the visa applicant area) as it was so quiet. The officer I saw was...
  8. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Hurrah!!!!!!! :D Great news and also very quick!! It's nice to know things seem to be moving along in Ankara. I think we always have to remember that we (users of this forum) represent such a small number of applicants that go through Ankara. Going by this data...
  9. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    ishallah!!!!!! Erfan228, from your name I am assuming you are Persian. So, for form 3911e you should follow the first few pages (A1-A5) and then go to the section for Iran: Additional details for residents of Iran (page A-6). Those other residency forms are to be completed by the other...
  10. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Oh no :( Can you get one of those life-sized people pillows? It's a tad creepy....but maybe it will help at first, haha. Also I really suggest using any mobile phone apps you can as they are better than having to log-on to a computer so you can see your husband at any time, any where. (I often...
  11. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Looks like Ecas is still down this morning. On the Citizenship & Immigration Canada twitter page they have said: ONLINE SERVICE HELP: January 25, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm EST - Our online services will be unavailable. Maybe it's taking longer to fix. Well it's a new week in Ankara, here's...
  12. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Hi Erfan228, 1) no. As far as I'm aware only the principle applicant fills out this form for spousal sponsorship. This form deals with additional family members for information purposes for immigration and in the event you would want to ever sponsor these family members in the future under the...
  13. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    We're here for you Mrs.Asag! Don't worry better days are coming sooooon!
  14. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Morning! I think Mrs.Asag will be better able to answer your question, but I believe that yes, the applicant will still need to go to Ankara once passport is requested. Or, a trusted relative/friend may be able to bring it to the Embassy for him/her. As far as I know courier companies will not...
  15. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    I wouldn't see why not! They might try again the next day or try getting a hold of you another way (email, post).
  16. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Sooooooo happy for you dear and your husband!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Such great news to start the day!!!! :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) Ankara is finally catching up! Better times are coming for all of us! :)
  17. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    They *might* call your wife in Turkey, or they will likely send a letter to the mailing address she listed on the application forms. For this reason, I suggest contacting the visa office in Ankara and let them know you would like to update her file to include an email address (you can give her's...
  18. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Yup! According to my husband's GCMS notes his eligibility, criminality and medical all PASSED within...(get this)....15 minutes according to the date and time stamps!! And I think about how many weeks it took us to get all those documents and proofs together...and then it sat for 6 months in...
  19. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    You're right, the regional medical office for Ankara is Paris. Basically once the doctor enters it into the Canadian medical immigration whatever system (no idea, sorry, haha) it goes to one of the 5 or 6 regional medical offices and they clear it. The officer in Ankara just logs onto the...
  20. S

    Ankara Visa Office Applicants Check in here! :)

    Hi Rocky2014, welcome. I found the link to the information you quoted, is this the site?: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/turkey-turquie/visas/faq.aspx?lang=eng#F I believe this info could be "dated", if you look at the bottom of the page it has Date Modified: 2011-09-12 . I think how...