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    Matter of fact is that you have started preparing well in advance, as a result you will not be surprised when you eventually land in Canada.Though you have started preparing in advance,therefore, you will have to struggle less when you are in Canada.Nobody is blaming Canada.It is only the...
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    Hi Terki, Anybody can survive as student.I have worked as student in US.I have got campus Jobs.Who doesn't get campus job.Everybody get campus job.It is very easy to get campus job and you just have to apply and there is no need to crack as it is not an entrance test. Moreover,to reduce...
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    Hi radhika, I have yet to move to Canada and I really appreciate your feedback about Canada.Lot of people just want to hear only good stuff about Canada because they are too scared to accept the reality.More so ,they do not want to believe that living in western world can be troublesome.They...
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    <<<<<<<APRIL 2010 Applicants >>>>>>>

    Chinta na karo ,jo jad hona ha o tadh hi hona hai.Chan nal samosa te idliya kaho aur mast ho ke intezaar karo.
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    explanation of large transaction/ POF

    No challu giri here,They are not fools.Be clear and concise.
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    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Is New Delhi VO really Sleeping ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    Compared to what Buffalo aspirants have gone through,your wait is not much.
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    Landing from the side of Vermont in USA to Canada

    Hi, Has anybody entered Canada by Car from Vermont side in USA? Thanks, Trick
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    Got Refusal Letter

    When u appeal in court and you win.It is like giving a strong reply to the London Visa Officer who rejected your file.I have mentioned specifically London visa office because most of the refusals are happening in London Visa Office. They hold your file for couple of years and then Visa officer...
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    Buffalo to Ottawa Transferred Cases(FSW) - Pls join here

    I sent prepaid envelope and they used that to return my passport.I am in US and I used USPS postal service (one day shipping).If I had used courier service then they would have avoided my prepaid service.Reasons are mentioned in the instructions which one gets along with the request for passport.
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    Skilled Worker - PhD stream refused...

    Hey, Mark and email to Jason Kenney and appeal for reconsideration with all the documents and everything attached in an email.Just give it a try. At the same time reapply.
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    Arrived in Canada :)

    Every officer is different.Some will ask POF and some will not .So do not take things for granted.Land with money that you are suppose to carry with you or else u can be in trouble
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    It's evident that these fraudulent agents are everywhere and most of them are fraud.If it's possible lodge a complaint against them so that they do not rob another person. Never ever believe these consultants who says will arrange job for you.
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    Buffalo to Ottawa Transferred Cases(FSW) - Pls join here

    One or two odd cases from 2011 will be decided but CIC is focusing more on the applicants who applied in between 2008 and 2010.Like some of us waited for 3 to 4 years (2010 applicants),many of u will have to wait until previous backlog has been reduced considerably.
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    Buffalo VO FSW ( pre june and non transferred applicants) share timeline plz :)

    An email will work for you.It worked in my case, same I suggested to people in this thread and now it's working for them.
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    U.S.-based and/or -educated Individuals -- Is Canada Really Worth It?

    I am in the same situation in which you are.I have US education as well as US experience.When I hear that Canadians do not want to employ people from other countries including US. then I personally feel that they are either dumb or suffering from some inferiority complex.I can understand if they...
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    Buffalo VO FSW ( pre june and non transferred applicants) share timeline plz :)

    Gap between medical and passport request was approximately 9 to 10 months.I would say in May 2012 I got medical request.
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    Buffalo VO FSW ( pre june and non transferred applicants) share timeline plz :)

    Hi Anuj, I am Feb 2010 candidate and my NOC -0213.I got passport request on 7th march 2013.
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    Buffalo VO FSW ( pre june and non transferred applicants) share timeline plz :)

    Hi All, By the Grace of Sai Baba I have received my Passport.I have yet to open and see my packet as I am in office. I would like to say thanks to all of you for helping me in my journey.I would like to wish all the best to you and have shraddha and Saburi(Two words just for Indians). Thanks...
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    migrate to canada from usa...

    That's correct I missed illegality part
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    Buffalo VO FSW ( pre june and non transferred applicants) share timeline plz :)

    You need to question them by sending an email only then something will happen for you.