of course man, after 15 working days ..you have the right to ask them about your application.
on 3 august ,i have decided to shoot mail on next day. but in the evening i got my vfs changed to passport dispatched
they issued me multiple visa rather than student visa?
happy ...your application will take time ...because you applied from canada ...it must be somewhere in transit
my special thanks to
sunny753951,vp singh,happygarcha,baratht,manpi,sandhujas,Kaushik Roy,habil
those who left thank you to
what does multiple means....??
do you applied under spp?
if yess
then please provide your file information and and document attached...so that seniors can sort out the reason for delay
Vfs status changed to passport dispatch
what does mean by hold passport?
(((((((((((((((((((will be updated on the website by the next working day from the dispatch date of your passport.Incase of Hold Passport Request: Your Passport has been held on Request at Delhi OC.))))))))))))))) what...
guys vfs status changed to passport dispacthed...
fingers crossed....
hopefully tomorrow i will get my result from my consultant..
guys wish me luck and pray for me...
click on this link if you want to make entry\