I know there are cultural things going on here and all that but why would you want to sponsor him still? I doubt very much that this is the only time he had an "affair" on you and it probably won't be the last. There are many good men here in Canada right now that you could take your chances on...
That is great SuiGeneris! 8) My wife and I met in a similar way on a forum site for anxiety and depression etc. I hadn't been on the site in awhile, and after a few days of being on there again my now wife messaged me :)
I was randomly looking at various profiles and peoples comments on...
That's good news about getting an appointment and I don't think you'll need to redo the medical. I just thought after all this waiting that it would be good for you to be armed with the info about booking times in case you did have to re-med..
I thought for sure you'd see a DM by now, it's...
No I just meant to call the panel physician's office to see how long the wait list is to get in for a re-examination in case it may be needed etc.. Some have had their meds extended for quite a long time, for us we were given 2.5 months to land from when the COPR arrived.
You must be near to a...
I think it is really well written Leah and I'm sorry that you are still waiting for some news :(
It might be prudent to call and inquire if there is much of a waiting list for the medical exam, just so you can be prepared and a step ahead in case they decide not to extend your medicals etc..
You don't need to redo your FBI unless they lose them or something.. As long as the FBI check was within the allowed time frame when submitted back in Sept you're okay. The medicals do expire after 1 year but they often will extend them, it depends on the discretion of the agent working on your...
That would have been awesome to read some updates for July 4th Leah! 8) I'm sorry to see that it stayed pretty silent around here unfortunately.. Hopefully soon!
Happy 4th of July Independence Day everyone! 8)
There could be updates to ecas today as they've updated on Saturdays many many times! So here's to hoping July 4th could be extra special for many who are anxiously waiting for news etc.. Have a good one!
Happy Independence Day USA! It's about 50 mins early lol, but just wanted to say Happy 4th to my wife and to all of the Sept US peeps here 8)
Lets see some Sat July 4th ecas updates! :)
Took my notes 33 days I think, no big deal.. Your DM today 99% of the time means COPR is in the mail and could show up in your mailbox today even or some days from now, mine took 8 days after DM.. Congrats! 8)
Tuesday is almost here and hoping to read some awesome updates tomorrow. 8) I can feel right down to my socks and sandals that somethings gotta happen soon! ;D
It seems to be a trend for a good while now for the Ottawa VO and for US/Canada couples and some others too with the Ottawa VO.. I was checking my status like 10 times daily sometimes lol, but all the changes only happened Tues and Sats.. Many others have been updated only on those days too...
I know I checked it just out of curiosity a few days after landing and it had changed from DM to Complete, and then when you click Complete it showed the line about where my wife did her landing and became a PR etc.
Safe journeys on the road trip Maria and happy Landing on your way back 8)...
My wife and I were concerned about that also especially when we found out 4-5 months ago that the NY office isn't doing interviews anymore, and all interviews are just in LA now for US/Canada couples.. We had ticked off the NY option so we figured if an interview were called for in our case...
Yeah you're probably right it's just the way things worked out..
When I received mine I was a bit worried as they really didn't say much up till that point in time, so they must have started really moving on it during the 30ish days we waited for the notes to arrive.
Ours just had two lines for months that stated "Application Received and Medicals Results Received until June 2 when things started to change and move forward..
I think ordering the notes is a good idea and may have been the reason why we started moving along, dunno??
Some movement yes but not nearly enough unfortunately as can be seen by these recent posts :( Optimistically though most here will be approved without an interview or anything and it's just a matter of time.. You can see most users timelines just by looking at their stats under their user...
Sorry to hear Cazzy :'( Was really hoping to see a bunch of you get your DM's today.. It's gotta be soon to a decision so hang in there and hope for the best! 8)