I have a question here . . .
as utensils are normally really heavy like frying pan, pressure cooker and stuff like dat . . . it would certainly weigh you back as far as the luggage is concerned. as their is a limit to what you can carry in terms of weight. so taking these items from here means 1...
yea. . . once you hv the canadian visa u can land or go any where in canada if you feel like . . . but u cannot change your university as it would require a new study permit and the previous one will be void.
thx Rossei for such information. . . as i have secured addmission in MEng Oil & Gas program at MUN with further specialization in off-shore technologies. . . I guess it would be a good choice to go for this program and later on settle there as well. :)
Em pretty hopeful to fly to st. john's for MUN's jan intake . . . and currently looking for rooms / house on rent their . . . if you know any available rooms their, then please reply
Thx Loolo . . .
this course in mun really suits me . . . main concerning point is the job market in newfoundland both odd jobs and jobs for oil and gas after graduation . . . ::)
you can sbmit visa processing fee at standard chartered bank F-7 markaz (Jinnah Super) Islamabad. n gerry's processing fee at gerry's center G-9 (Karachi Company)
Hi bro . . . it would really be gr8 if u post the list on this fourm . . . as it would help not only guys here at the moment, but it will also guide ppl using this fourm later on . . .
hei guys . . .
I wana kn dat after medical CHC or gerry/ TCS calls u to pick up passport and documents from gerry's office or they just deliver it to your home as they delivered med form? . . . ::)
What is the status of odd jobs for students in st. John's Newfoundland?
Can any body also please share job market for oil and gas professionals in newfoundland? ::)
I am a mechanical engineer currently working with an oil & gas multinational. I have secured addmission in MEng-Oil & Gas in memorial uni. with specific research in mechanical integrity of pipelines (main focus on off-shore). I am also planing to look for uni of Alberta and uni of Calgary. I...