Same as yours. I submitted on 10 and recieved AOR the same day. No changes yet.
I realized that not reading this forum is good for my mental health. Lol.
I wont check this website for a while.
it has been only 45days passed. You have more than 4months left. Let's not compare our case with those who got lucky. Our time will come ;) Enjoy our weekend!!
Hi Naga,
I am positive about 6-month processing time. It will take some time at first step, and after they start to check your background, everything will go fast.
lol that is the biggest lie I've ever heard... all categories have the same processing time. I think it depends on either NOC code or VO.
I know one who got invited under FSTP, and asked her if she had any status changes.
I will let you know.
Well... only Visa Officer knows this...
One thing we found out is CIC will call your work place to ask about your status and etc.
If you get fired, I recommend you to be honest with your issue and report to CIC.
Lol it is sad that we do not trust each other.
Amit, my email address is
Can you send me your screen shot, i will share with people in the forum.