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  1. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    I know !!! I have been outside of Canada myself and number does not work!!
  2. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    you are welcome ! IMHO, # 4 C should be YES, explaining why and date and #4 D should be NO. Good Luck !
  3. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    e If you are looking at #4 C , your answer would be YES as you made a claim for refugee protection in the USA," says Canada, Canadian visa office , in any other country or countries, "USA would be the said country.
  4. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    It's asking if you have been refused for anything. From what you are saying I do not believe you have been refused. Answer would be NO
  5. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    Ok, Have you ever been REFUSED refugee status ?? That is the question. If you are a refugee and you were not turned down by the USA as a refugee or refused by any other country that you applied to as a refugee than your answer is going to be checked off as NO. Remember they are asking if you...
  6. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    Are you looking at Question 4 letter D on 5669? I just pulled up my papers.
  7. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    Hi....since your answer is Yes, you do have to provide a reason why you answered yes. Give the reason why you claimed refugee status, the date you did and if you need more space for you answer just attach a separate sheet of paper with your answer. Be sure if you do this to put your name. date...
  8. wagggal

    ***KINGSTON, JAMAICA **New Application**(as of Dec 7, 2016)***

    Well, Meds are marked as PASSED just now, LOL, maybe I paid for premium service !
  9. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    I am not too sure, what does the box down below say/ ask for ? I am not to sure what a U-visa is. Are you filling out 5669?
  10. wagggal

    Police Record

    What do u need help with ?
  11. wagggal

    Police Record

    Yes, this happend to me also. You are going to have to go and upload again, once you do that hit your back button in upper left corner, then scroll down on that page until you see the tab that says " NEXT " that is what you have to click on in order for it to actually upload. You have to do...
  12. wagggal

    ***KINGSTON, JAMAICA **New Application**(as of Dec 7, 2016)***

    Yeah, no problem. It could have been because I went with my husband also, more than likely that is why the price went up . Always a big mistake to have a caucasian / black mix go to conduct business here, the price will ALWAYS go up. Been here for 7yrs and if we need anything done, auto work...
  13. wagggal

    ***KINGSTON, JAMAICA **New Application**(as of Dec 7, 2016)***

    $6,500 for doctor $5,500 x-ray $4,100 blood work ( no Tattoos) The tattoo issue is testing for Hep C virus and that makes no sense at all as you can contract Hep C by going to the dentist or getting a piercing also.
  14. wagggal

    ***KINGSTON, JAMAICA **New Application**(as of Dec 7, 2016)***

    I would bring more money than that, We were quoted 14,000 JMD and in the end, with NO EXTRA tests at all it all came to 16,100 JMD and this was Dr. King in Montego Bay. Have no idea why the price went up, as I say no extra tests were carried out, I am a nurse and know what the required tests are.
  15. wagggal

    Police Record

    Yes, scan it and submit it in PDF format.
  16. wagggal

    Help me with IMM5669

    Just fill out 5669 online, save it to your computer and then upload it to immigration. I doubt very much they will accept it the way you want to do it, would advise not to do it that way.
  17. wagggal

    Question regarding with OSAP and Payment Assistance

    No, it is not considered social assistance.
  18. wagggal

    Cruise ship love

    Very good advice.
  19. wagggal

    ***KINGSTON, JAMAICA **New Application**(as of Dec 7, 2016)***

    YES ! Agree with you Jamgurl !