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  1. T

    Cash in bank a/c & property requirements for tfw

    Both of these (funds and properties) can serve as an additional proof of residential ties to your home country. As far as I remember, you have to indicate available funds on the application form, but they do not necessarily ask you for a proof; properties are generally not required. There is no...
  2. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    This clause brought together with the out of court revocation of citizenship becomes very worrisome. Again, I don't trust things to go smooth and 'with very little fuss' because they are not going smooth elsewhere. Just look at the TFW program. A recent case, when CIC sends home a Hotel Manager...
  3. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I hope, (s)he is not. I wouldn't expect a conservative mole to be anything than 9to5er.
  4. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    You guys make a little mistake thinking that everything is smooth and nice here, and works as it should. Glad for you, if your experience was nice and smooth. Say, for me, I will remember forever how Jason Kenney literally 'lied to my face' (from the TV screen) saying that my case (and cases of...
  5. T

    get work permit

    Sorry to say that, but officers are free to give any decision they deem appropriate, and there is nothing you can do, other then re-apply later. You can always take your chances and apply. Though unfortunately, success is never guaranteed. To 'improve you situation', you need to show...
  6. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Just 2 things about this clause: 1. No one really knows how it's going to be implied (MPs including). Once there is a court precedent, only then we can make some conclusions. 2. If it is so harmless and doesn't really mean anything, as a few people here trying to present, why do Conservatives...
  7. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I find a lot of very interesting points in this threads. One of them is that Canadians are generally passive in regards of this question and are often fed by Conservatives' lies (as an example, there are couple of trolls on this forum which spend some budget on this). So what we can do (IMO) is...
  8. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    All the information will appear here (after a short delay): http://www.parl.gc.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&Bill=C24&Parl=41&Ses=2 You can also watch live coverage from here: http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/parlvu/
  9. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    BTW, look how Conservatives spend our tax money while leaving people in need without any help: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/julian-fantino-defends-4m-for-ads-to-counter-misinformation-1.2658694 Sorry for off-topic, but these guys just make me feel sick.
  10. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Sure, if you have a chance, apply as early as you can. And don't forget that never in your life you should vote for Conservatives ;)
  11. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    In this case, you can and you will. The case I invoked is just a proof of concept that can happen. Here's the guy's official website, if you prefer http://www.justicefordeepan.org/ If bill C-24 is passed there will be much more cases of people being stateless. Again, no one will care about the...
  12. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Imagine, you're in a court room about this. And you bring up an argument to the judge that some MP has said something about the bill. Does that not make you laugh?
  13. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    OMG, such person can still be stripped from Canadian citizenship (unless born in Canada). Then they become stateless. Here is a use case for you: http://rabble.ca/news/2014/05/i-was-born-canada-my-canadian-citizenship-has-been-stripped-away Maybe enough of your bs on this forum?
  14. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Giving up other citizenship won't help. A person in question would become stateless. P.s. pls, do your homework before you post something.
  15. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    You can calculate your presence according to the current laws. However, you will still be affected by the 'intent to reside' clause (no one knows, what this one means). + don't forget that this bill introduces a 2-tier citizenship system (1st class citizens who were born Canadian, and 2nd class...
  16. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Yep, let's kick the Cons out of the office, and then reform the Citizenship Act. BTW, even the Conservatives understand they need a few good parts in the bill to brag about.
  17. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    This was discussed here million times. There is not a single paragraph in the projected bill C-24, which would prevent abuse of the system and fight with 'liars and cheats'. Otherwise, Conservatives would have to fight with themselves...
  18. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I would not even bother trying to understand this bs. After all, how can you expect any sense from the people who have no respect even for the Chief Justice? All we can do is to focus on kicking the Conservatives out of the office, and making sure this bill is scraped completely by the next...
  19. T

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I'm all up for a protest, in GTA. I also heard from other people on this forum which support the idea as well. I suggest though, we wait for the end of the 2nd reading -> if the bill passes with no significant and reasonable changes, we should organize one. And it's better if we could do it in...
  20. T

    Petitioning Hon. Chris Alexander: Stop Bill C-24!

    +1, correct petition