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  1. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi Janoo. Because I am sorting based on the exam date in St. Clair , I did not know where to put your name in order in the table. Good luck.
  2. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi janoo, Please let us know when your application start processing (not the date you sent your documents), so I will add it to the table.
  3. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi all, Following is for people with test/interview in St. Clair office only. If you are interested, and your information is not complete, let me know to modify it. Hope it will help. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date...
  4. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thanks freebird3000, But the records on the table show that Poldek is a RQed applicant. Maybe poldek can clarify himself.
  5. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi All, Some new updates. By the way, if you want to share your timeline and feedback your data, then please share them completely, if you are not interested or you will not inform others what happened to your case, then please dont share your timelines because it can confuse others. Good luck...
  6. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Happy to hear from February people. Folks, please share with us your timeline information, if it is not complete. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Explanation toronto_dun...
  7. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thank you for your complementary information. @ "gsephidari" and "stclairtest" : Your timelines are added to the table. Thanks Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Explanation toronto_dun...
  8. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi F.H. Have you received your date for oathing ceremony? I dont have it in the table. Thnaks
  9. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    @ "moosh": Thank you for your information. It is updated. @ mark001: Thank you and now we have your data as well. Congrats! @CAN_APPLICANT: Thank you for your information. I entered them in the table. @twocats: congrats! Can you share with us when they started processing of your file? Did...
  10. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    @ "moosh": Thank you for your data. When they started processing of your file? I want to add it to table as well. @ oathie: Thank you. Let us know about your processing time and also RQ date (if you had any). @ spellbound: Thank you for your data and congrats. @ misspurple: Thank you...
  11. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thank you "kimo74" for your information. Folks, let us know for any update, specially for the applicants with their test in February. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Explanation toronto_dun...
  12. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thank you "freebird3000", "dossip", "toronto60" and "F.H." for your information. The table is updated. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Explanation toronto_dun...
  13. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thank you comestai and F.H for your information to update the table. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Explanation toronto_dun Feb. 2014...
  14. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thanks F.H. Can you share when they started processing of your file? Have you received any RQ ? Did you have your test in St. Clair? Again, as it is mentioned, the assumption for everyone is that the test/interview was in ST CLAIR.
  15. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Dear Friends, I have updated the table with information till now. sorted based on the test exam and assuming that everyone has his/her test in St. Clair. For each applicant, If there is any further explanation or any wrong date, please share to be updated in the table. Applicant...
  16. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Congrats! geoforce780sli, Can you please let us know oath date that you have received through mail?
  17. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thank you ontariomaple. Your information is added to the table. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test date Oath date Simpleproductive July 2013 28 Jan. 2014 5...
  18. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Thanks Moe. Good idea. We can also add a column at the end, as "explanation". So, cases like family/single or with fingerprint or other other extra information of each applicant can be added there. Also, it will be useful if everyone can check/add his/her own data some data is missing for their...
  19. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi all, This is based on what has been declared. It will be better to complete it. Also some applicants had fingerprint, pre/post RQ and family/single files which can make the timelines somehow different. Applicant Start Processing RQ sent back Test...
  20. B

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hi All, It seems that "twocats" , "balajir' , "bangloboy" , "geforce780" are next people that will write within 3 days about their oath invitation date. Also, "St. clair" and others will hopefully get the letter. Maybe for a week or so, we will not see other news (out of members who has...