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  1. KloveG


    My app was received by David S this morning :D Do we wait for instructions to set up an account? Or do I set one up now and wait for them to send info on how to link the app etc
  2. KloveG


    Thank you! :) Sent today by courier, will be there tomorrow at 9am I am so nervous!
  3. KloveG


    I am looking for this as well. All I find is the po box and I am sending via courier tomorrow
  4. KloveG


    I'm super excited to join December applications :) I am going to send via over night purolator on the 27 or 28 just to make sure the office is open to receive it. Although I have everything together I keep wondering and looking over everything like 3 times a day to see if I overlooked...
  5. KloveG

    Old form IMM 1344

    Ok so the section on page 2 for the Sponsor Residency Declaration. The question asks if you are Canadian living exclusively outside Canada ... yes or no And Where you intend to live after my spouse becomes a permanent resident. The guide says only annser this section if you are applying...
  6. KloveG

    Providing income proof for Spouse sponsorship

    Thanks so much for responding. Definitely clarifies things more :) I was worried about sending all my bank statements. Just because it shows everything from purchases etc haha which is not a big deal I'm sure and it's a lot of papers for 12 months of bank statements The bank said they could...
  7. KloveG

    Providing income proof for Spouse sponsorship

    I have all my docs ready to send. However, I am still unsure about the income part of things. I have my notice of assessment for 2015. I have a sole proprietorship business. On the checklist it states I have to send in my last 12 months proceeding the application. It's December so I haven't...
  8. KloveG

    New forms

    Ok so I have all the papers ready and was going to send in the next few days and I see as of December 15 they have changed a lot of things to process faster. I would imagine we can still send our application right? Maybe just add the new checklist etc.
  9. KloveG

    Low Income Cut off not met for a single year

    I don't believe you have to meet a requirement for 3 years in a row. Honestly I think it's all on discretion etc and if you can provide them with a letter just stating what you said. I've heard a lot of different responses and stories. However, I do have a personal friend who sponsored her...
  10. KloveG


    Oh that's awesome. I will have to check that out :) He is in La Romana. Where is your husband from
  11. KloveG


    Just reading up on this thread and your husband is from Dominican? Mine too. I am just in the process of filing our papers now and will also be going to Dominican in a few weeks. I haven't seen anyone who has been currently doing PR for a Dominican spouse. So it's nice to finally know someone else
  12. KloveG

    Low Income Cut off not met for a single year

    What is this humanitarian and compassionate thing? I've never heard of it before in relation to sponsorship
  13. KloveG

    Low Income Cut off not met for a single year

    Thank you so very much! I got it... Calm ocean blue 8) I feel sooo much better today about it all. Should be sending the app next week for sure. So exciting and now a little less stressful :D
  14. KloveG

    Low Income Cut off not met for a single year

    Thanks for your reply :). It gives me a little more confidence. I knew technically there is no income requirement however someone in another thread had me all worked up and so nervous. Their reasoning was that it is highly unlikely I would get approved even though there is no specific income...
  15. KloveG

    Low Income Cut off not met for a single year

    Have you sent your application in yet? I am just about to send mine in as well. I have a son here in canada but sponsoring my husband. As a sole proprietor for a business for a couple years my income looked really low. Like 10k a year. That's not including child support, child tax etc. Which...
  16. KloveG

    Income question

    Well there are lots of other ways. For example I also have an incorporated business as well, but do not "take" an actual salary, I receive child support, the Child tax benefit per month for my son. All of which are source of money but not necessarily an income. I 100% don't over claim...
  17. KloveG

    Income question

    My question is on the income portion. I know there is no specific requirement/amount for sponsoring your spouse. I am a business owner and of course when filing taxes there are lot of deductions etc I can claim which allows me to bring my income fairly low. Low enough to keep me in the low...
  18. KloveG

    after applied, my wife become pregnant

    Thank you for the clarification. I always get a little nervous when I see that. I mean I support myself and son no problem so I shouldn't worry.
  19. KloveG

    after applied, my wife become pregnant

    What specifically is the minimum necessary income requirements? I am preparing papers now and this part is a little confusing. I am in Canada and have a son from previous relationship. I am sponsoring my husband but is there a specific income requirement I must meet?
  20. KloveG

    anybody from dominican republic?

    I would love to know that process as well. If we can apply for him to visit ( my hubby). I just got back from Dominican with all the papers. I am just waiting now for my tax paper so I can send everything in. So excited but nervous too! We met last October, married in July of this year. It's...