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  1. Edin2Van

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Yeah the police certificate is the only document they generally seem to want an original copy of (except of course if they ask for your passport). I put our application number in the subject line ie. "Re: Document Request <Application Number"> , and then it again along with the other details...
  2. Edin2Van

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    It may not be possible but if it's stuff you've got digital copies of or can scan in then you can just send them all to CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca as attachments. Just make sure you include your UCI, application number, DOB and category of immigration and it'll be associated with your file...
  3. Edin2Van

    Spousal sponsorship

    It's presumably so they can determine whether there's any particular health risks associated with where you've been living since you took your medical. If you're living somewhere with good healthcare and a low risk of catching any diseases they're more likely to just extend your medical. If...
  4. Edin2Van


    I second that sentiment! Seems to have gone quiet again after a flurry of DM's and PPR's a couple of weeks ago, hopefully they start appearing again this week! Planning on landing in a month's time and would much rather do it with COPR in hand than have to do dual intent
  5. Edin2Van


    Sorry to hijack your thread (I'm sure someone will be able to advise on the correct procedure for applying for them) but this has been playing on my mind for a while. Is it possible that maybe people might be a little over eager in applying for case notes and that it might actually be...
  6. Edin2Van

    Did all July and August applicants get "medical received' yesterday??

    I think it's more of a whole system update or something. There's a whole bunch of us from the start of the year (Feb/March applicants) who have only just got that line despite submitting medicals up-front.
  7. Edin2Van

    ...now what?

    You can check the spousal sponsor processing times here http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm-fc.asp The page hasn't been updated since the 29th of September when they were working on spousal applications received 7th of August. So two weeks ago (ish) they were working on...
  8. Edin2Van


    Small update but ECAS now shows the "3. Medical results have been received" line for me as of this morning. Anybody else who applied around February who didn't have this line before now got it?
  9. Edin2Van

    How to update address?

    His home address and the mailing address are different things. Pretty sure the mailing list can be wherever you like, though of course it helps if it's somewhere you'll actually be able to receive anything sent there.
  10. Edin2Van


    Congrats :D You got the intent to return, etc email around August 20th and police certificate email in September right?
  11. Edin2Van


    There's a February applicant over on the BritishExpats.com forum got the same "ready for COPR" email today as MacnCheese did yesterday. More signs of Ottawa life and people getting towards the end of the process! :D
  12. Edin2Van

    Forms - Adobe issue?

    Yeah I had the same problem but saving it to my computer first seemed to solve it
  13. Edin2Van


    Excellent, congrats! I think you're the first of the 20th Aug batch who got a doc request to see DM. Loads more this week please Ottawa.
  14. Edin2Van


    Signs of life :D When you say "ready for COPR" email so you mean passport request/submit more photos?
  15. Edin2Van


    Yeah we've been IP since August the 7th. It does seem like Ottawa have been pretty much asking everyone for proof of intent to return but it's so hard to tell. If you don't have anything new to submit I would definitely at least write a decent new cover letter explaining your situation and...
  16. Edin2Van


    I've still to see the "Medical results were received..." line too. If you look on the "2015 outland" spreadsheet there's a pretty noticeable number of folk who submitted around March who have never seen Medicals received in ECAS. I did however see someone a while ago post that they had...
  17. Edin2Van


    It's good to know, even if it is a little disappointing. Doesn't seem unreasonable to think there could be a fair few of us in that big pile. I'm sure there is some kind of grand plan in action here but from the little information we do get it's maddening to think they're just letting complete...
  18. Edin2Van


    Pretty sure either would be fine. If one is as easy as the other I'd go with addressing it to CIC, and then if CIC want they could always contact the manager directly with any follow-ups (though this is pretty unlikely)
  19. Edin2Van


    Yeah Sunday-Tuesday seems to be a dead zone for updates but I've seen folk report ECAS changing on every single other day of the week so goodness knows what the "we update on a Tuesday" thing is all about
  20. Edin2Van


    I'm still clinging onto the hope we're going to see an absolute bundle of DM's all of a sudden. Obviously CIC moves in mysterious ways but I just can't see the logic in seemingly moving a load of folk towards the latter stages of processing in the last 6-8 weeks (all the doc requests, etc) and...