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  1. abdulrahman040

    Refused for sept 2015, thinking of reapplying for 2016. Need advices.

    Main problem here is you did B.tech with Computer Science, and how wants to do Masters with Electrical Engineering. Try to get in a program related to your previous study.
  2. abdulrahman040

    Regarding IELTS Score

    I suggest you to retake your IELTS. Getting Visa will be very difficult if anyhow u get admission.
  3. abdulrahman040

    Views about University of Ottawa MEngineering Management

    Ask your friend go for a field of his interest. If Engineering Management is his core interest and want career in it then he can go. U of Ottawa is very good.
  4. abdulrahman040

    study permit

    Bro, If try to get admission in a Canadian college/university then concentrate on Visa
  5. abdulrahman040

    Overall 6 band in IELTS..Got accepted by SAIT college..What are the Visa chnces?

    Look ask the University to wave of your IELTS as your previous education was in English. If they agree to do so, Ask them to give you official EMAIL/LETTER that university had waved off your IELTS, Apply for Visa without IELTS result but with that Letter from University
  6. abdulrahman040

    What SOP means?

    Check in the CIC website it states the account balance should be atleast 4months old
  7. abdulrahman040

    Time for visa processing

    I am also from India, going to Memorial University of Newfoundland.Check your inbox i msgd you.
  8. abdulrahman040

    May I apply for student visa with 5.5 overall IELTS bands?Uni. admitted me

    Some universities waves off IELTS if your education was in English. If your university is ready to wave off your IELTS take an Official Email from the university and submit the print copy of that mail with your visa application.WITHOUT IELTS.
  9. abdulrahman040

    JANUARY 2016 CANADA - WHATSAPP group for VISA guidance, accomodation, flying etc

    I am right now in India but my whatsapp is with UAE number, add me in the group +971505450291
  10. abdulrahman040

    Visa doubt

    Surely you can apply, But if you ask about the chances of getting Approval, It is very hard unless you get very good score i IELTS, make a strong SOP.
  11. abdulrahman040

    What SOP means?

    SOP means STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, You should explain Visa officer in a SOP letter about your yourself, educational-professional background, purpose of going to Canada, about your university, about your finances, home ties etc. Minimum you must show atleast 4 months old bank balance
  12. abdulrahman040

    Student visa for post secondary diploma

    No one can guarantee you visa. Select the appropriate program, Make strong Financial documents, A very good SOP. This is what in your hand. Do it perfectly hope you will get visa. In Sha Allah
  13. abdulrahman040

    Chances for Visa ,university fees not paid

    This is enough for your finances just make a strong SOP and if possible show some assets (house,land etc). Even after paying fee no one can guarantee you visa. CIC is not interested whether you pay fee or not,BUT it says that CIC is not responsible for any tuition fee paid in advances Make a...
  14. abdulrahman040

    waiting for visa approval

    Bro i applied on 8th October 2015 under University category, Still waiting
  15. abdulrahman040

    Filing form IMM1294 for cost of studies section

    In that form fill the values of your total educational program(Tuition+Room & Board+Others) for entire program. Input available funds which should cover(10,000$ living, Tuition(2 sems for safety), Travel Expenses) That's it.
  16. abdulrahman040

    What does UCI number means???

    If you are applying Student Visa for first time you won't be having UCI number, Keep it blank
  17. abdulrahman040

    Chances for Visa ,university fees not paid

    Paying fee is not mandatory. But as you have taken 10,000 CAD GIC, that will not be enough show them extra documents of 6 months old bank balance or FD or Education Loan that shows you can pay your tuition fee(2 semesters)+travel expenses. Make a strong SOP that shows your intention of going...
  18. abdulrahman040

    Doubt about funding

    Academic scores was the previous reason so think how you can work on it to make your profile little professional, impressive (Add some certifications, Work experience, professional achievements etc) You already took GIC,So just show FD and some property through CA certification, and Make a...
  19. abdulrahman040

    Am I too late???

    you must apply as soon as possible.But with complete documents
  20. abdulrahman040

    chances of getting visa for an undergraduate diploma for graduate student

    You can still go for Masters write GRE, prepare good SOP and try, hopefully you will get