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  1. S

    Any 1 got answer from Uni of Regina

    Looking for Electronic System Engineering MENG/MASc students
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    Students of University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina

    Off-course Uni of Saskatchewan ranks above average. There selection criteria is quite tougher as compared to UofR. Well, have u applied or deciding where to go? if Yes then where? Which Progam?what level ? And also share your profile?
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    Students of University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina

    Will become the student of UofR soon InshaALLAH:)
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    today i got a mail from chc

    They might need some more examine reports in these two area Rest consult with people who experienced the same case.
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    Seniors esp enfield and tiger assist me about this strange Email be UofR

    Email to whom bro,.. Any professor OR Program chair, Program CO-ordinator
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    Seniors esp enfield and tiger assist me about this strange Email be UofR

    @ Arsalan WIll they contact me ? or i need to find professor first..
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    need help regarding accomodation nd settelement in regina

    Congrts man,, when u got your acceptance ? Which program you are admitted in? Can you share your profile?
  8. S

    Any 1 have draft which was accepted by Professor (for Masters)

    experts and experienced
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    Guyzzz Its Urgent and to be resolve at any cost

    Bro, I am wrong, do correct me.. Actually MEng ESE at UofR works in a different way . I mean You are right Meng doest go with Research but Usuallly Meng have 2 streams Project-based or Course based.. In this Scenario, they dont have course-work under MEng ,so thats mean we should be accepted by...
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    MENG Electronic System Engineering (uni of Regina)

    Any one Applied for MEng System Engineering at UofR For FAll2012 or Currently studying the same course>>>?
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    MENG Electronic System Engineering

    DO you know any 1 for Electronic System MENG ? Because I have not found any 1 yet for the same course ?? please let me know
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    MENG Electronic System Engineering

    Hi everyone, I want to any one who have APPLIED for Meng Electronic System Engineering for FALL2012 OR Currently STUDYING in this program . Please I need to clarify some issues.. Kindly let me know
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    Seniors esp enfield and tiger assist me about this strange Email be UofR

    Amy sucks .. She dont know actually about the MEng ESE program.. I talked to Tom Conroy he said: The ESE program Meng doesn't work the same way as the other programs in engineering. We do not assign a supervisor and no recommendation from a faculty member is required. We accept the top 20-30...
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    Seniors esp enfield and tiger assist me about this strange Email be UofR

    I have applied for MEng Electronic System Engineering for Fall2012 as Co-op Program, always heard from different sources that in MEng if we fail to hire supervisor then we autometically qualify for course-based. Now look below, I dont know what to do.. And also let me know what exactly do i...
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    Guyzzz Its Urgent and to be resolve at any cost

    Hi every one, Actually, I have applied for MEng Electronic System Engineering for Fall2012 Session at UofR, I need to know if i fail to be accept by any Supervisor, Would i get rejected?? Cuz I came to know from Faculty of Graduate Studies if i would not occupy seat under the supervision of any...
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    Man, Em also waiting for their acceptance letter .I have applied for Masters Fall2012
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    From Pakistan, any body got any response from Uni of REgina For Fall2012