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  1. S

    MEng Internetworking

    Any one who got admitted in MEng Internetworking for Winter2013 Session... Please do connect here..
  2. S

    University of Dalhousie Winter 2013

    Asalama 0 alikum.. I have got admission in Dalhousie for Jan 2013 Session... MEng (Internetworking) @ furqan In which program you have applied? What about your Regina Application decision? Did they give away the decision?
  3. S

    How to defend this point

    I just have job ..N I can only swing around to this..
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    How to defend this point

    Well, I`m Single and completed Bachlelors back in 2009 then have couple yrs of experience till now. Got offer from Dalhousie in MEng for Winter2013..thats it, Nothing else..
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    How to defend this point

    None of you experience enough to get a way out????? :O
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    How to defend this point

    I was trying to ask the same question but still unanswered. any senior? I will going to apply for Visa in Sept for Winter2013 Intake, I am struck in to get a way out that How can I convince VO that I will return back to my home Country after completing my Masters..provided my 2 Siblings...
  7. S

    Eid Mubarak to All.

    Eid Mubarak to all Muslim Ummah.. Concurrently I Have a query to discuss here : Can any one let me know how can I defend that I will return back to Pakistan after I finish the Masters as my siblings already reside in Canada and are Permanent Residents?
  8. S

    Super Visa

    Asalam o alikum, I have also applied Super Visa for my parents and to some extend Similar timeline as yours but I am bit confused regarding medical... Actually, I called to the given number on Medical letter, they gave me the appointment date for 7th Aug. This appointment is for what, I mean...
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    How many Years of PGWT will be awarded

    I am going for Honours Certificate program for 1 year from Windsor .. How many Years would be given to me after completing this certificate. And what will be the future prospects..
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    Honours Certificate in Electrical Engineeering

    I am thinking of applying in Honours Certificate in Electrical Engineering from Windsor, Any Body have any experience related to this... Really in need of your suggestions.. Thanks
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    Meng Internetworking

    Good to hear you got admission, Concurrently please let me know what is your academic profile? What set of documents you sent to support your application, I mean Exp, Certification etc etc
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    MEng Internetworking

    @dinchin Where are u from? Whats your academic profile? and documents u have submitted to support your application.
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    MEng Internetworking

    em Telecom Engr. background, but the pre-requisite they require, like C++ or probability statistics courses, I have studied those courses...
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    MEng Internetworking

    Well Bro, Whats ur profile? N how do you know its 60% full.
  15. S

    MEng Internetworking

    Any body applied in Dalhousie Uni for MEng Internetworking? I am planning to go with this course but don`t know whether this program is going to offer this Winter2013 Session.. Any body who can help with this query
  16. S

    Any body Applied or Got accepted for Internetworking in Dalhousie

    I need to know, If MEng Internetworking is going to offer in this Winter2013 Session? If any body knows please share your knowldge
  17. S

    Looking forward to go for attempt second after rejected from(UOIT & Regina)

    Are you from Pakistan? Where Did you applied? N for which Level of Education? What is your Academic Profile? Where are you planning to study now?
  18. S

    Looking forward to go for attempt second after rejected from(UOIT & Regina)

    But Queens require around 63% for Pakistani Student. As per their website. Any how, I am waiting for their pre-assessment decision. Apart from this, What do think where Can I apply with this profile?