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  1. blacknirvana


    Yes August 8th it changed to In Process, and two days ago a new line showed up when I clicked In Process (see my post a few posts back)
  2. blacknirvana

    DECEMBER 2014 - OUTLAND Applicants

    My ECAS just changed to DM today, hopefully this will be over soon :)
  3. blacknirvana


    Mine just changed to Decision Made! I'm really happy :P, but also a bit worried :-[ about what the decision is, hope I get a letter or an e-mail very soon. How long has it taken for others to recieve something in the mail or by e-mail?
  4. blacknirvana


    Congrats! I hope that means we are close to DM as well :)
  5. blacknirvana


    I just got another line on my ECAS? Now I got... 1. We received your application for permanent residence on December 16, 2014. 2. We started processing your application on March 18, 2015. 3. Medical results have been received. 4. We sent you a letter on June 9, 2015. Please consider delays in...
  6. blacknirvana


    I'm in a similar situation 1. We received XXX application for PR on December 16, 2014. 2. We started processing XXX application on March 18, 2015. 3. Medical results have been received. Changed to IP 8th of August and my Medical runs out September 2nd. What happens when it runs out? Will I...
  7. blacknirvana


    Mine has changed to adding dates.
  8. blacknirvana


    Awesome for you guys, hope we see a lot of these posts soon
  9. blacknirvana


    Not sure what you mean?
  10. blacknirvana


    Are passport requests only for countries that are not visa excempt?
  11. blacknirvana

    Moving to Calgary in mid Oct-Nov with 2 kids

    Where are you moving from and how much do you have organised already? (jobs, housing, etc.)
  12. blacknirvana


    Hi Not sure where to ask this question so feel free to move it to another board. Spam posts are becoming a really big issue (the ones with chinesse writing) on some boards, it there any mods than can deal with it somehow?
  13. blacknirvana

    DECEMBER 2014 - OUTLAND Applicants

    Thanks for the little "guide" to landing :) I'm hpoing top repeat your steps vert soon :)
  14. blacknirvana

    How to plan life/move while you wait?

    We applied end of last year and hope to get PR very soon. I think what your'e doing now is exactly what you need to do. Spend time putting together your application, and once it's done and sent to CIC you can start planning the move slowly. We startede by letting friend and family know our...
  15. blacknirvana

    DECEMBER 2014 - OUTLAND Applicants

    Ours changes to In Process a few days ago :)
  16. blacknirvana

    ECAS address - no country details?

    Does other people have the country as part of their address in ECAS?
  17. blacknirvana


    I had a quick look at the spreadsheet, and because I'm a numbers nerd I had to cualculate the averages from IP to DM :) There is not a lot of info as most people have not written both dates on the fields. But when looking at the ones that have, the average from IP to DM is 16 days or 12,5...
  18. blacknirvana

    ECAS address - no country details?

    In E-CAS it shows my correct address here in Denmark, expect is doesnt say Denmark anywhere only street, number and postal code, is that normal or did CIC make a mistake?
  19. blacknirvana


    Is there any stats on the time from when status changes from "Recieved" to "In Process" until DM?