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  1. sammystorm19


    YAY!!! My hubby is hanging out in Kingston now for the phone call to pick up! Congrats hun
  2. sammystorm19


    PASSPORT HAS BEEN PICKED UP AND IT'S ON IT'S WAY TO DHL!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT FLIGHT WILL BE BOOKED TODAY AND HUBBY WILL BE HOME SOON!!! THIS S@#T IS GETTING REAL NOW 17 months yesterday that we've been waiting. It is almost finally at the end. Thank you all for all of your support.
  3. sammystorm19

    Please help me!

    You can apply during an exclusion order. The PR won't be granted until after that order is up. There have been a few in on the Kingston thread that this happened too As for filing out the application I have no idea.
  4. sammystorm19


    Ok they have had ours for 2 weeks now and we got DM on Tuesday. Just checking to see if it would have gone out today and if anyone got their PP back recently on a Friday and Jah-Canadian did....so here's hoping the pp is out tomorrow for us.
  5. sammystorm19


    What day did DHL pick up the passport from the High Commission...sorry that it what I meant? I know all you were all out when they gt the news. Thanks hun
  6. sammystorm19


    Hubby just called and the passport wasn't picked up today. It's still sitting at the High Commission. I am really hoping it goes out tomorrow. Mel - what day did cafelatte's go out? Do you remember?
  7. sammystorm19


    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! That is awesome. See I told you it would come soon. Get that passport in ASAP!
  8. sammystorm19


    HAHAHAHA Love the last line...that is something I would totally do!
  9. sammystorm19


    He will be here before that hun....don't worry
  10. sammystorm19


    Have you been to Kingston??? I love the place however it's very dirty. I am surprised its only 5 inches and not more!!!
  11. sammystorm19


    Ok so I have been stalking DHL for 2 days now and nothing FFS!!! When the passport was sent in nothing was updated till end of the day - stupid DHL I just wanna book a ticket and get my hubby home to us. Come on DHL give me some damn info OK my rant is over Back to stalking I go!!
  12. sammystorm19


    You're welcome
  13. sammystorm19


    Well after the application has about 5 inches of dust on it...they clean that off and they start with eligibilty and then go onto the security and background checks. Those are the 3 steps which they can complete in about a month or so. Now remember it can take longer if the applicant needs an...
  14. sammystorm19


    Here is the link for the manual http://www.google.ca/url?url=http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op02-eng.pdf&rct=j&frm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=vFZJVL-eHJaWgwTi-YLwDg&ved=0CBMQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNHWupPFzXHJcu-S9pj7s0-YoMcl1Q If this doesn't work go to Google and type in OP manual Family...
  15. sammystorm19


    Which process are you talking about? Ecas or what the Vo's do? Also I will have to find the link for that manual. I use to have it but can't seem to find it anymore
  16. sammystorm19


    YAY!! Now you know that they are working on your file. If they are doing the eligibility between you and hubby then you won't be waiting much longer. That usually takes about a month and then everything happens fast after that!!!
  17. sammystorm19


    Mel...her hubby is in Canada and needed to get one done for here as well. They needed to travel back to JA as he needed to get a PC done there and also they needed to see that he had a return stamp on his passport. So.....they all travelled as a family.
  18. sammystorm19


    YAY....glad you got everything done and handed in. Some passports have been returned a week after handing them in other have waited longer. All depends on how fast they get to it. Once you see decision made on ECAS you know it will be sent out anyday
  19. sammystorm19


    Here you go How to Order the notes Here is what another member wrote out on how to get them and also a video that another forum member posted http://youtu.be/j_E_dq_uLVo Here is a previous post regarding GCMS notes: GCMS notes (Global Case Management System) are notes that are made on your...
  20. sammystorm19


    Our date changed a few times and the last date on there was 30 Sep and they had already requested other things from us. So don't always go by those dates. They work on their own schedules