1 minute ago
@TyrionStark , bro is your file still under review . Did u receive new set of GcMS.
I am also May 30 AOR Stuck up in New Delhi , and ADR not read since 18 August . Bg is still NA for me
@TyrionStark , bro is your file still under review . Did u receive new set of GcMS.
I am also May 30 AOR Stuck up in New Delhi , and ADR not read since 18 August . Bg is still NA for me
No never ordered ...just waiting for the reply for my Case spe enq raised ...Coz as per their last email reply they have written no action reqd from my end at present ..if any info reqd they Will let me know
Already raised Case specific enquiry .on Monday ...Waiting for reply .
Plus had an email reply from them on 20 Nov that file pending for officer review....
I think now they have completely forgotten guys like us who are of May .....only God knows when and what they gonna do.... Waiting for response of my CSE raised ..