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  1. Mrs_Canuck


    EXACTLY. I think they forget that this isn't just a pile of papers, these are the lives of people. You've waiting long enough at this point. It really boils my blood that they've been so unorganized with your file...
  2. Mrs_Canuck


    Cirene, that's ridiculous. I would call CIC first thing in the morning and speak with them. Take this time to gather the proof of sending the application out and finding the email or the notification you received when the application was delivered. Also, pull up your AOR. Have all of this with...
  3. Mrs_Canuck


    This is great news, corbs! It gives hope to those of us that did not receive AIP & DM at the same time - hope that we may not have to wait the full 8 months before seeing second stage approval! :)
  4. Mrs_Canuck


    ECAS is definitely not the most reliable of the resources CIC provides applicants. ECAS will take longer to update, I would wait until Friday and if they haven't updated your status page, give them a call at the call center and see if the agent can look and see if they've made a note that...
  5. Mrs_Canuck


    Good morning everyone! Hope we hear lots of good news today! For anyone that got DM after AIP, can you reflect on if there was any communication in the interim, or did you just receive DM after a month or two?
  6. Mrs_Canuck


    I think that turning away couples at this stage is just cruel, especially after waiting this long. To tell someone that they are going in for a landing appointment and then to grill them about their relationship is not fair at all. I'm really really glad that you've officially become a permanent...
  7. Mrs_Canuck


    CIC will usually accept pieces of information before hand as well. I know of cases where the fingerprints were sent ahead of time with the application. You can also order GCMS notes to see if there are any notes on your file pertaining to fingerprint requests. :)
  8. Mrs_Canuck


    Leoundesilva, I'm not entirely sure if you will need fingerprints if you submitted your file before the fingerprints for your country were put into effect. If I were in your situation, I would be proactive about it and send them in anyway in anticipation that they may ask. If they do require...
  9. Mrs_Canuck


    Congrats, Rita! I cannot imagine your excitement! :) Also, just submitted another request for case notes to get some insight as to why we did not receive DM with our AIP even though we had a complete file. Hopefully we'll see DM before I get the case notes! :P
  10. Mrs_Canuck

    File Match Up?

    Yup, I was explaining the long and arduous process to a co-worker the other day when they asked how the process was going. :P They like to make us wait! When I sent the documents I quoted the F000xxxxxxx file number that had been given to us with the AOR on the outside of the envelope. I...
  11. Mrs_Canuck


    Red_Gatsby, I replied to the topic you started, hopefully my answer will help you out a bit. :) Rifat, I have not heard of many instances where the medical was extended, but my hubby will have to redo the medical after March 8th if this is the case. I would think that if they've started...
  12. Mrs_Canuck

    File Match Up?

    Hubby and I sent in unrequested extra documents before Christmas. They arrived and were signed for December 6th, 2013. I had to call CIC concerning other questions but asked if our extra documents had been added up with our original application. The agent I was speaking to said that there were...
  13. Mrs_Canuck


    Harmin, CIC goes by the date the application was received.
  14. Mrs_Canuck


    How do you find out what the wait time is for your local office?
  15. Mrs_Canuck

    Rejection After AIP?

    Thank you both! It's tough to not panic when you've been waiting for so long! I figured that if they hadn't transferred the file then I shouldn't worry. But I definitely do appreciate the affirmation! We've had no indication that there is anything wrong with our file thus far *knock on wood*...
  16. Mrs_Canuck


    Congrats, Jojo1972 on your AIP & DM! Have you received notice of landing appointment yet? I hope we hear a lot of good news this week for those of us that are still waiting, especially from Cirene and AckTivity!
  17. Mrs_Canuck

    Rejection After AIP?

    Sweden, Sabrinkh, thank you so very much for your answers. I can't tell you how many times I would have panicked if it weren't for people like you guys helping out people like me. :) You have definitely quelled some fears! Hubby isn't worried about it at all, so I guess I'm just worrying for two...
  18. Mrs_Canuck


    I don't think not changing your last name is that big a deal in this day and age. I wanted to keep my last name and I wasn't going to let an application change my mind.
  19. Mrs_Canuck

    Rejection After AIP?

    Thank you for the information. :) I would be lying right now if I said I wasn't having a panic attack, though. LOL
  20. Mrs_Canuck


    Thanks Guri, I did open a topic as well. I figured that if they wanted to interview us, they would have done it already. It's strange because when I received the GCMS notes there was nothing. I called and the agent told me that it was too early for them to have started anything on my file. I'll...