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  1. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    It doesnt look good at all.Now the new minister will want to show even faster processing time and keep the backlog on the bench for another year
  2. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    No argument here. It is just people get excited over nothing. We should all be outraged that they lie to our faces and nobody can do a sh.t. The priority will be given to applications received before fbruary 28-remember the message? Well I kind of can't see it. The are reviewing February 2013...
  3. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    They just recently changed the timescale for QSW to 19 months. Before that it was 2 months less than PNP. And they stick with it for the backlog files.
  4. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    They put aside the backlog instead of dealing with it, just so they can show that Ottawa is faster than buffalo. Of course it is easy if you just tell 10000 Applicants to go Fu.k themselves and start reviewing those who applied after may 2012.
  5. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    Oh really, so for you PPR is the last thing??? That is so cute))) you are forgetting something here mate, what about sending your paaport to Ottawa and not getting it back even After a month??? What about waiting for the cards another 2 months. So PPR is by far not the last thing
  6. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    And just to give you an update-THEY DONT GIVE A FU.K ABOUT THE PETITION.Feel free to send it though wherever you want
  7. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    Mark my words people.March applicants will get pprs no sooner than late august.Aprils-late september.May-october.Hopefully
  8. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    Totaly agree.IT is ridiculous.Instead of clearing the backlog they OPENLY lie,sending messages that files received before 28 february will receive priority.Then how come they have reviewed everyone fro july 2012 to january 2013??????? The guy is right why are you happy.And qsw ARE processed...
  9. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    That's pretty obvious. They have always processed QSW faster than PNP. It doesn't mean a thing though. They are incompetent, not caring snobs.
  10. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    People anything out there??? Especially march applicants? They are reviewing February 2013 this is outrageous. In process sh.t means nothing. They will keep us here for another year
  11. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Just an update.Ottawa did not give a f.ck about our petition.All mail and emails ignored.
  12. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    What do you mean how do i know.There is a whole bunch of February applicants on this forum,let alone those that are not registred. Ottawa is not even issuing pprs.They are putting up decision made statuses on ecas.
  13. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    Can these guys be any slower?They havent even reviewed february.WTF
  14. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    So let's sum it up what we have so far. Nobody gives a sh.t about our petition. Unless we go to Ottawa and picket they won't even give us their attention. Second point is that they are still processing November and December applicants. And finally they haven't even processed all from January.
  15. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Those who sent the petition via email, did you get any response. Our letters with petition was supposed to reach Ottawa today, so keep fingers crossed
  16. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    I wonder how come NY visa office issued PPR after 20 days being in process and Ottawa cant issue one in 3 months after being in process. They are not an achievement but emberassment for Canada
  17. C

    Tracking PNP April 2012 application to CIO (Nova Scotia)

    No problem doing it for everybody here. What I would suggest is to send the text of petition itself. Don't attach it, they will never read. Copy and Send the text for sure