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  1. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Thanks for the support :) We plan to live in Ottawa, ON! And you?
  2. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    I have a friend who lives in Canada and he asked it in our behalf.... So, unfortunately, I don't have any experience with the places that deliver GCMS notes to people that lives outside Canada....
  3. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Hey ed85, We requested GCMS notes on April 20th and it came really quick, but it only had some comments from February saying R10 was ok. Then we received the request to pay RPRF on May 4th and we paid it on the same day. On the RPRF request it said eligibility was cleared and the only missing...
  4. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Hey, any of the guys that received PPR asked for GCMS notes? I requested it in April, but my application didn't have any movement apart from R10 back there. I wanted to know the average of time from the start of the Security check to PPR for a Brazilian. Almost a month since I've paid RPRF....
  5. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Congratulations ed85!!!! Oooh, hoping for mine on the next month ???
  6. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Congrats Chiuzi!!! Did your background check ever move to "In Progress"?
  7. Winry

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    I just received the request to pay RPRF fee :) The text on the letter says "This is in reference to your application for a permanent resident visa, which has been found eligible in the Class for which it was submitted. Admissibility review (security, criminality and/or medical) is still...
  8. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    We just received the request to pay RPRF fee! The text on the letter says "This is in reference to your application for a permanent resident visa, which has been found eligible in the Class for which it was submitted. Admissibility review (security, criminality and/or medical) is still ongoing...
  9. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    We've followed the instructions on this link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp First we printed, filled in and scanned the "Consent for an Access to Information and Personal Information Request" (form IMM5744). Then our friend in Canada created an application here...
  10. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Is there a way to order GCMS notes specific to a VO? I have a friend living in Canada and he helped us requesting the GCMS notes through the CIC site. We requested it last week, so we have to wait at least other 3 weeks to get a result...
  11. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Gente, como Chiuzi falou, PPR em 2 ou 3 meses é excessão. Só applicantes da Índia, África e alguns países da Europa recebem o PPR tão cedo assim. Aparentement PNP Inlando está indo um pouco mais rápido, entre 3 e 4 meses. Mas tanto CEC e FSW inland e outland tem uma media de processamento de 5...
  12. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Estava lendo uma thread sobre GCMS notes e vi um post seu. Você dizia que talvez, por o Brasil não precisar mais de visto para o Canadá, o VO não daria mais um visto, somente o COPR. Por isso, please, nos mantenha informados sobre o processamento do seu visto hehehe. Pode ser que algumas coisas...
  13. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Parabéns llgn_sp!!!!!! Deu um total de 4 meses até o PPR!!! É um tempo bom, considerando que quase todo brasileiro aqui do fórum teve timeline de 5 meses até agora...
  14. Winry


    I think you'll get news somewhere in April. I really hope I get something around May! But I still haven't received the request to pay RPRF...
  15. Winry


    Yeah, 5 months is a lot, but at least it's less than the promissed 6 months... All the brazillians on that thread that got PPR had AOR before November 2015. I still hope that applications with AOR after November (when the LVOs finished processing applications from 2014) will be approved a...
  16. Winry


    Calculating based on the brazillians that posted on the thread bellow, it seems to be an avarage of 5 months... http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/express-entry-applicants-from-brazil-connect-here-t388409.0.html;msg4992069#msg4992069
  17. Winry

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Hey, wimpy27, we have a quite similar timeline! I'm from Curitiba/Brazil, so maybe our both applications are being processed at São Paulo...
  18. Winry

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    I also would suggest to have date of RPRF request on the spreadsheet, to be filled by the ones that have not paid upfront.
  19. Winry

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Tem algum brasileiro aí que não tenha pago o RPRF upfront e que recebeu do CIC o pedido para pagar? Qual a timeline?
  20. Winry

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    Congraaaats!!!! I've been following you since your timeline is "similar" to mine, only that mine is in January ahhaha. My guess is that now that they have finished processing applications from 2014, Local VO are getting applications to process, and depending on the LVO, it may be really fast. I...