my hubby's e-cas also went into process on June 13, and medical results have been received. does that mean we will be getting PPR? :D
i hope so, inshaAllah!! ;D
my hubby did his re-med on may 28 and his results aren't received yet.....he got a call from CHC-I asking if he did his re-med. what's that all about? he called the DMP and they said they sent the results the day after he did the remed exam.
my e-cas changed to in process today, it says we started processing your case on June 13, 2012. they don't mention that they've received the re-medical results....
what does that mean?
inshaAllah sooon!!! and congrats on your convocation!! i was thinking abt u on June 12th, was sad that your hubby couldn't be there for you, but Allah SWT knows best. inshaAllah he will be with you soon.
it's alright, it happens to everyone.
just remember this hadith, if you can apply this in life, it will take you far.
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him speak good or remain silent.” [Bukhari and Muslim]