Thank you Cool_Heaqded, Warda, lover, emanzaib, Danny4450, angelheart, SI, sabii, Canadian555, Allah Madat, anzee, Imtihaan, misrable, Red Jeans, blue_angel, samar jawad, Khilafah5
InshaAllah you will all get your duas answered very soon.
yes, all the changes happened at once. my e-cas changed to 'in process' and 'we started processing your case on June 13, 2012', and then one day later, 'medical results have been received'.
1- your file has already reached islamabad, they don't send acknowledgement letters any more. most people this year have received letters from CHC-Isb after 9-10 months after date of transfer, asking them to submit either updated forms, re-PCC, re-MED, or passport request.
2- don't worry about...
Princess, i don't like telling people what to do, but this time, you should drop this guy like a hot potato.
he ain't worth it at all. there are way better guys out there.
i still don't get why you are putting up with him all this time. do you rly think he is going to change? ouuffff...let...
lol, don't worry, this happened to me too. my e-cas also had PUNJAB, INDIA. it's just a glitch, i'm sure they have the right address somewhere.
my husband has been receiving all his mail from CHC at his house, which is in Pakistan.
I suggest you email them about it just to be safe.