1) You need to provide the check list of either SPP or General on the top of your application package. Since your visa has been rejected once you need to apply in General category.
2) UCI number is a unique number for each applicant and will be the same every time.
Keep Your offer letter ( Acceptance letter from University) and passport in your hand at immigration India. In Canada usually they don't ask for any papers except your passport.
Depends on you. If you want to buy a contract base then buy from there or if you want to buy an unlocked one then buy from India. You will get discounts on plans there if you have your own phone :-)
Hope this helps.
I am sharing my profile here,
BTech (CIVIL) - 61%
Internship - Larcen Toubro (4 months)
MTech (Structural Engineering) - 75%
couple of international research publication
Accepted for PhD at Uvic.
Have been to Uvic twice before for the Research internships in 2014 for...
Thank you and yeah I have been accepted to Uvic for PhD in Mechanical Engineering. Applied for study permit on 3rd of august. Waiting to hear from them.
My best experiences for travelling to Canada in the past were,
India- Dubai- toronto,CA
India- Qatar-London,UK-Toronto,CA
India- Abu dhabi-London,UK-Toronto,CA
Medical certificate/checkup expires after a year So check if yours is expired or not. If expired then you have to again appear for medical checkup.
Hope this helps!
Thanks and I have no idea. I have been told to go for study permit by University of Victoria. Last time when I applied for study permit i got that approved in 5 business days. This time I have no idea how long will it take.
Hope for the best.