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  1. Merlyns_Tim

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Just to ad my own 2 cents worth to the thread. It's ridiculous how slow the Manila office has been with our approval. During my part of the process as a sponsor, Mississauga was right on time with my approval, and by the end of Dec. 2011 my wife got notice that the documents were in Manila. She...
  2. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    As far as I know the Philippines is the only country in the world that has no divorce allowed. That doesn't mean married couples stay together. What it does mean is they either go through a very long and expensive annulment process or they separate and just live with others. :o I never said a...
  3. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    Well, I've been going to just let it be and not say anything but Luckyman you speak as someone who has been waiting a grand total of 4 months, and I assume things are going very well. Both you and your wife are young and I don't doubt your wives visa will be in her hand by April. It's easy to...
  4. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    Agreed, though I think in some of these countries where wages are traditionally quite low it might not hurt the budget too much to ad a couple, and I don't know about anyone else but I'd have gladly paid a couple of thousand dollars more if I knew it could shave 6 months off the year I've...
  5. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    Of course the government alone is not responsible, but it frustrates and even angers me to read about how they plan to fast track skilled immigrant workers, .. while ignoring fast tracking something that IMO is even more important, and that's family, .. and by that I am talking strictly about...
  6. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    I honestly feel more people should be pelting Jason Kenney's office with complaints about how long the wait times are as well as letting him know how these horrific waits have negatively affected them and their relationships. I know the man has heard the other side of the story a lot, and...
  7. Merlyns_Tim

    IS it worth spending SOO MUCH TIME checking ECAS.......!!?

    I honestly don't know what to think about it. Ours never seems to change, .. at least not since we discovered that it finally is accessible. It tells when our package was received early Sept. 2011 and is "in process" since mid Sept. 2012, as well as medical received (was redone Oct 1st.) but...
  8. Merlyns_Tim

    my sisters husband is dieing and they will not fast track visa (HELP)

    Unfortunately I don't think anything lights a fire under the CIC officers regardless of the nature of any couples problems for needing a fast resolution. I understand their jobs are dependent upon not making many mistakes so they are very thorough, but some of us do have valid reasons for...
  9. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I know that feeling. It's gone through our family too, and some of us still have it pretty bad. Hope you get over it soon.
  10. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    We all have those days, and hopefully spouses that understand. More than once my poor wife has suffered over me having a bad day here. Thankfully she's an amazing woman and knows how I feel about her. ;)
  11. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    I also feel such Sympathy for you ELOH. I know the stresses involved in something like this, being an older person who's been waiting for my wife for way too long already. For some it's no big deal and something a couple should be able to work out but, ... if only one still wants it there's a...
  12. Merlyns_Tim

    Marriage is ending.

    I agree completely with this. Nothing but sympathy from me for what you're going through. I know all too well how hard it is living in different places while waiting for the CIC to approve things so a couple can live as family.
  13. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    It really is sad how disrespectful kids (particularly in North America) are these days. I realize there are some good ones too, ... but I couldn't believe the difference I saw right away when I landed in the Philippines. I never saw such respectful kids and teenagers in my life.
  14. Merlyns_Tim

    Can I gat PR??????

    Sorry to hear it and I hope things somehow work out ok for you.
  15. Merlyns_Tim

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    Congratulations!! I hope we also are not much longer.
  16. Merlyns_Tim

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    We are Sept. 07, 2011 and still waiting. :( You're not alone.
  17. Merlyns_Tim

    Can I gat PR??????

    The question on my mind would be, what would cause a guy to cancel at the last moment, when we all go through so much trouble in the first place to bring our spouses over? It was also mentioned that he canceled out before you left, so were you not talking every day so that you knew there was a...
  18. Merlyns_Tim

    Trying to understand why the approval process has to take so long.

    I'm really wishing I'd kept it all quiet until my wife was here too. :) Oh well live and learn.
  19. Merlyns_Tim

    What's taking so long?

    My wife had her medical redone on Oct. 1st in Manila and we're still waiting for her visa. It's absolutely crazy and so hard on us both.
  20. Merlyns_Tim

    Trying to understand why the approval process has to take so long.

    Well said Kiwi12, It can be frustrating to say the least. For me it gets harder to go into work every day now since for the past year and a half, almost every day about a half a dozen different people ask me if there's anything new yet, and for so long I've been saying any day now. It gets so I...