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  1. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Send everything via DHL, they need originals. Are they asking for the FBI clearance or just proof that you've filed for it, because black diamond is right it takes a very long time to get it. Did your husband send one in with your initial application? You see he needs a police check for anywhere...
  2. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    I wouldn't wait, send in a new one right away with an explanation. It's better you show you made a mistake instead of them thinking you're hiding something.
  3. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Yes it's true but it's a different system. For 2016 apps to be asked for medicals means PPR the next day almost. That's not the case for 2017 apps.
  4. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Hi Cosey, I'm sorry to hear you haven't heard anything yet. Sugarcoconut is right, if your application has actually gone past 16 months it is time that you reach out to your Member of Parliament. I know you said that you live in Ghana but do you have a permanent residence in Canada? If you do...
  5. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    I think you didn't get asked because they didn't ask you for a medical or another police report, and they aren't expecting your husband to stay in the country very long, seeing as he has to leave soon before his medical expires. I think you're good.
  6. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Haha so serious! Our actual address is house number unknown near Plot 1 by the lodge my husband runs haha
  7. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Oh nice! We have no house number and live in the bush on the beach in Ghana haha, it will be pick up for us! Hehe Oh and my husbands passport was delivered to AVO this morning! Yay!
  8. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Have your husband take this email to DHL and they will send to accra to pick up the passport and bring it to the office your husband sent it from.
  9. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Everyone, @Gonja is sharing their experience from 2015. This is not a recent case. They are simply stating that this happened to them and they were able to come back from it. They landed in Canada in 2015. Questions should be directed to how they went about proving this difficult...
  10. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    He was only in there for 30 minutes. They asked a question, he responded, they asked another question, he responded. Very simple back and forth. He had to leave the documents at the reception. It was one lady doing the interview typing at her computer. The interview was only for him, I was...
  11. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Shout out to @colmiz for being so quick to respond this morning when my husband was at DHL and we were having the pre paid envelope crisis! Lol Anyways, all is well, hubby sent out his passport and all those documents today. What a busy last ten days it's been! He even had to get a new...
  12. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    I posted the details on page 766.
  13. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    I honestly believe this influx of people being asked for interviews is instead of asking for extra docs. We have never before seen so many interview requests like this on this forum and lately people are not getting asked for docs (and lately I mean the last month). I think this is AVOs way of...
  14. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    @Pake , @MrsKoj , @queenanetor , @peg204 I'm sending you guys positive vibes, I feel it's coming soon. Truly. I can't wait to celebrate with you all!
  15. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    @kwame22 my husband just had an interview on the 21st. They didn't ask for extensive documentation, only the ID of his sons mother and passport photos for his son, nothing else. Anyways they asked questions about his son but also about our relationship. The questions that @Pake and @Cutie101...
  16. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY WWHHHHOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!! So happy for you girl!!!!! Best news!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
  17. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    You'll be fine Forte. My husband had an old birth certificate but when he had to get a new passport in 2014 they told him he needed a new birth certificate with bio data on it, so he got one but kept the old one too. So in our app he submitted the old one and his new one from 2014.
  18. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    Woohooo!! Congrats!! Yes, go and enjoy your new chapter in life!!! :D
  19. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

  20. B

    Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants

    @colmiz , @Pake, @MrsKoj , @tender , @Sugarcoconut , @ClassicD , @Ugoswife , @xls , @Cutie101, @Denne , @queenanetor, @peg204 @babajydo , @umuchima , @Mimikoms and everyone else who I am forgetting but have not truly forgotten! I want to say thank you for your love and support and...