Dont worry sis, FEDEX service is faster then TCS and expensive also. i had experiance with FEDEX for UK visa of my Grand Mother. They r cool, Just confirm the delivery msg. and relax.
ALLAH is greatest. Just pray !!!
Waiting @ Abu Dhabi Airport, my flight delayed 1 hour, getting bored, inshALLAH on monday i will submit my passport to CIC-islamabad, anybody knows if TCS works on sunday? thnx
I got passport request on 22-Mar-2013, dated 04-Mar-2013, so happy !!!!
Congrats and thanx sabbi, hotshot, and all other friends,
If its a Nikkah case, then there is only one way to waived the interview is the Rukhsati and send CIC the pix. ASAP. Until then dont bother CIC. and forget about the renewal of your husband's passport, it will not effect on process.
and rest leaves to ALLAH and pray.