What he said, it doesn't matter how many hours you work if you work on contract and you are not a permanent full-time eployee with an offer. Please clarify
1. What is complete hours? (How many hours exactly?)
2. Do the total hours on your pay slips that you sent match what you put in the forms? How many hours do they show?
3. Did they do a phone interview with you and/or your employer?
4. What does your employment contract/offer say on it...
The waiting time, last I heard, was 10-13 months. My friend who applied in Sept 2014 still has not heard anything but hopes to before the end of this summer.
So December 2014, I would add another 3 months. I don't think you should expect to hear anything before the end of the year at least...
Privacy Act refers to information kept about yourself by the government or its agencies. Therefore if you are individual inquiring about your own file (such as your immigration file-GCMS) then you can choose Privacy Act.
Access to Information Act is gives individuals a right to access records...
Congrats! Regarding the SIN and T4s;
- you give your new SIN number to your employer so they can update their records.
- you will get ONE T4 for 2015 including ALL your hours for 2015, those linked to your old SIN and new SIN.
- if you have not filed taxes for 2014 yet but you file it AFTER...
It took me 8 weeks to get nominated by BC PNP back in Oct 2013 but I hear it has gone upto 10-13 months since summer 2014.. This is for standard PNP not EE. Not sure how long that one takes.
I ordered mine every two months so order, 30days to get them, then wait 30days more and order again.. Didn't cause any problems with my application. Plus ordering more frequently than that would not really give you anything at the speed CIC works lol
Not in BC unless you have a master's/PhD in the following areas from a BC post-secondary institution;
◦ Biological and biomedical sciences
◦ Computer and information sciences and support services
◦ Engineering
◦ Engineering technology
◦ Health professions and related clinical...
I don't believe it lol.. Happymoose did you receive yours yet? If you haven't got yours, I don't think we have any hope. It has been 6 weeks for you now and 4 weeks for me on Saturday..
Let us know!
Depends, if you did a 4-year university degree and you were only granted a 2 year PGWP due to a reason such as your passport expiring, then by all means you can apply for extension after you renew your passport.
Otherwise, no you cannot.
Thanks for the research, this all makes sense. But please provide your sources, what is this research based on? At least those who go through this and fall through CIC's many regulatory and procedural cracks can send proof to back their decisions or quote something when needed..
I am sorry but what you are saying is complete garbage considering a new immigrant lands at first port of entry! Someone with a connection flight to SK through Toronto would land in Ontario. They could take a vacation in Toronto if they like. Or do a road trip. Etc.
If they decided to enforce...
Why would you pay twice? Your driver's license does not change because you become a permanent resident..
Not sure if that is any different in Alberta, but in BC PR has no effect on your driver's license. Plus when you go to change, they give you a temporary paper to use as a substitute to your...
You should read what I wrote again...
No, they would look at did you do your best to try and stay in your province (apply to jobs there first), what kind of job offer did you get from the other province? Was it significantly better than what you could find in your own province? Etc etc
I am not sure why this is such a big issue.
It is very clear... The very definition of intention is the will/plan to do something. In this case, reside in your nominating province.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is also clear; A Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident can move freely with...