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Search results

  1. A

    MACS at Dalhousie or Concordia ??

    obviously Concordia. Dalhousie even though is reputed than it but its because its old and its law and liberal arts programs are very famous. If you look at engineering sciences concordia is better. Its young and located in montreal a beautiful city. advantages of doing macs in concoridia than...
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    First if you are referring to colleges (and consultancies might be referring to them as well) maybe few colleges will still accept you. But universities definitely the deadlines are over. The last day for international students applying to university is 1st may (Windsor) and most of the other...
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    deadline is over pal. Apply for jan 14
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    No idea......in my reference letters I had given address as Okanagan campus while all my main documents were addressed to Vancouver...Can this be a reason???
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    Anybody going for ubc for fall 2013

    With 75% you cracked dude congrats............. I could not though
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    University Selection

    That's what I told him in the beginning and I told him to consider all universities and approach professors in his field. But he s asking the same thing :o >:(
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    rejected or on the verge of getting rejected from all the univ / VISA

    don't they even tell the reason for rejection........I think they ll send me the same mail and tell that cause of competition they rejected
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    rejected or on the verge of getting rejected from all the univ / VISA

    Its k..............I kinda expected this............waterloo and Calgary to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    rejected or on the verge of getting rejected from all the univ / VISA

    UBC rejected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
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    University of Calgary Fall 13 Applicants

    Got UBC reject. Expected!!!!!! :-X
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    HAS ANY ONE GOT LOA FROM University of Western Ontario?

    For which program? Considering your program as engineering you have 80% chance to make it. depends on lor,sop.......But good chances if you are from india/pak
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    Seeking for advice on choosing MBA

    Well its sad to hear that someone who wishes to put his efforts and knowledge which he had gained from abroad (after spending lot of time, money etc etc) for his country's benefit , that country is not ready to take him in. And also return on investment which you got for your education is almost...
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    What will be the living expense for a month in Canada?

    First of all don't depend on On campus job. I have heard its very difficult to get. Next it depends on accommodation. If shared accommodation and normal amount of money spent in food and other stuff then per month you ll be spending around 600$ to 800$(sometimes depends on province and that's...
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    HAS ANY ONE GOT LOA FROM University of Western Ontario?

    That's the minimum criteria(if you are from india, if Canadian then 3.0 is minimum) so cant be sure whether you ll get or not. Depends on many other factors like LOR,SOP, Papers , Projects ,Experience but you can definitely apply there. Even if its ambitious chances are there based on the other...
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    University Selection

    Its quite a simple process. First look at all the universities faculties database and look at professors those are involved with control systems and have done exclusive research and work in that field. There are many branches in control system (linear , non linear ,adaptive etc) and if you like...
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    Concordia University or University of Ottawa

    One of my relative lives in alberta and according to him University of Ottawa has much better reputation than university of Concordia for engineering. Its famous in US as well while Concordia is not. But whatever @mayank said about montreal is true as well. PS:- I don't believe that list...
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    Concordia University or University of Ottawa

    Even though Qubec is a beautiful city and montreal is one of the best place to live I ll suggest you to go for university of Ottawa.Its located in Ottawa,ontario its biggest USP and far better ranked than Concordia. Canadian government spends a lot of funding for university of Ottawa being its...
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    University of Calgary Fall 13 Applicants

    Yup am thinking the same thing...Am not thinking about PR am thinking mainly about the education level and the experience which I ll get . I ll rather study and work in a region which gives me better education and opportunities rather than joining a average university for PR. Based on the...
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    University of Calgary Fall 13 Applicants

    Am yet to apply !!! :P After may 10th only ll start process :-[ . But if I get conditional offer in Calgary stating if I take ielts again and score 7 is it better to go ahead with Calgary or go ahead with Germany advantage of Calgary ;- *Easy PR options later. Biggest USP *English speaking...