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  1. S

    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    please read this. http://www.cicnews.com/ n read my previous post as well, was I not sayin the say thing, nobody was keen to believe, now see. @kavya: its gud that: being positive BUT extremely dangerous for one who denies facts. I hope u all r smart enf to understand wat i meant. what abt...
  2. S

    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    Hi Pal, cribbing wont do, alrite? its nothing to do with FATE, or GOD. its change of policy(canadian internal policies), look people here wont accept few hard facts. thatz y i have stopped writing abt rejections. everyone wants to bear false notion they are sooner or later gonna sail thru...
  3. S

    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    I have downloaded the trial infact. merci. finally the ice has been broken, u know, I had been thinkin for an age to start learning but just cudnt initiate and finally its done today. HERE I AM THIS IS ME, THERE IS NOWHERE ON EARTH I RATHER BE, ITS A NEW WORLD, ITS A NEW...
  4. S

    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    sounds cool. Comment allez-vous ?(How are you) Je vais bien ,merci (I'm fine, thx) Bien, et vous ? (Fine, and you?) even I have started(tho its still in its budding stage) learning french... I am following french.about.com. if any other ideas, plz come forward.
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    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    well said Mr. Parhar. Sir, watz ur expert opionio about the people who have DECISION MADE status? is this just a system glitch or something more than which is very systematically planned by CIC? I have seen many forum members who got decision made in sep-oct and after 4-5 months , they are...
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    may god bless all.
  7. S

    Refusal - Duties are not matching with NOC descriptions

    1. buddy, every refusal cant be challenged, u need to obtain leave first of all. 2. if leave granted/ judicial review will follow->takes near abt 1 year. 3. if you win/ tho chances are very meager, then new VO may be assigned. 4. if New VO is assigned, question remains same. wat you lose...
  8. S

    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    thx for positive reply, but if u search the forum, u will find atleast 40-50 cases refused within march itself which belong to 4131 datz the worry coz its not in 29 noc. many of cases have got DECISION MADE status. I have read some expert's opinion that these cases are sooner or later got...
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    <<< JUNE APPLICANT, 2010>>>

    most of the pre-juners are getting refused, due to 1 reason or another, god knows watz gonna happen? I have observed most of them are 4131. any ideas......
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    no maran, lemme add. ppl like sanu_kri are also needed here in this forum, atleast we need a BREAK. ha ha. buddy, keep it up, we are with u. plz tell us the latest update as well. ha ha ha. funny guy.
  11. S


    by the way, did u lodge the fir? u r a brave man who fought for his wife. gud buddy. ur wife must be proud of u.
  12. S

    For all the PUNJABIS

    I find it an excellent post, star whatz wrong with it.