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  1. W

    For all Arabs please communicate here يرجى الالتحاق هنا لكل العرب

    مرحباً اخي اولاً لا داعي للقلق. ففرصة الرفض ضئيلة جداً بعد المديكل, الا لاسباب طبية او امنية لا احد يستطيع التكهن بوقت الانتهاء من ال BACKGROUND CHECKS لان نتائجه تاتي من وكالات اخرى لا تتحكم بها ال CIC اتمنى ان يصلك طلب الباسبورت قريباً لكي لا تحتاج لاعادة المديكل مرة اخرى بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
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    For all Arabs please communicate here يرجى الالتحاق هنا لكل العرب

    هناك ثلاثة طرق لطلب الكايبس 1. عن طريق المستشار او الوكيل اذا كنت مقدم عن طريق وكيل. التكلفة 5 دولارات و لكن قد يطلب منك الوكيل اكثر من ذلك كرسوم لخدماته 2. عن طريق اي صديق او قريب في كندا (يجب ان يكون مقيم في كندا) في هذا الحالة سيكلفك الامر 5 دولارات فقط 3. عن طريق بعض مواقع الانترنت التي تقدم...
  3. W

    For all Arabs please communicate here يرجى الالتحاق هنا لكل العرب

    ال CAIPS مهم في حالة تاخر الاجراءات عن المعتاد لانه يعطيك معلومات مهمة عن تطور الملف. و يكون اكثر اهمية في حالة طلب المقابلة لانك تذهب للمقابلة و انت تعلم ما هي المخاوف التي استدعتهم لطلب المقابلة و تستطيع اعداد المستندات اللازمة لدعم موقفك
  4. W

    For all Arabs please communicate here يرجى الالتحاق هنا لكل العرب

    عليه أن يبحث على الانترنت و يقدم لاكبر عدد من الوظائف. لا انصح بالشركات التي تدعي انها تقدم عقود عمل و تطلب مقابل مادي. من الصعب اكمال النقاط بدون ايلتس. لذلك انصح اخاك بمحاولة تقوية لغته الانجليزية عن طريق الكورسات ليستطيع ان يحصل على بعض النقاط من اللغة اتمنى لاخيك التوفيق
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    PLEASE DON'T LIE..............

    since we are talking about average here. I check 3 to 4 times a week, that gives an average of half per day. ;) Cheers.
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    PLEASE DON'T LIE..............

    first of all congrats dude for your DM when it comes to anxiety you are always the CHAMP. I guess you will only stop worrying after you set foot on Canadian soil. I bet your average was 10 times/day for the past 1 month. ;) my answer is 0.5 good luck. my guess and bet are just to make you...
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    Family Question

    What I don't know is how long do they allow visitors from visa exempt countries to stay? you should be concerned if you need to apply for a visa at the embassy prior to your travel, because then they will want to make sure that the visitor has enough ties to his/her country of origin. However...
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    Family Question

    you don't have to leave them behind. both your partner and kid are from visa exempt countries (Lithuanians need to make sure they hold e-passport). they do not require a visa to visit Canada. I guess that is as good as it can get. just Pack your bags and get your tickets. :) good luck
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    Family Question

    I am not sure if there is a short cut to this. IMHO don't lose your PR status and think of applying again. there might be some changes and you might not be eligible according to the new rules (if they make changes to the point system). So, My advice is go to canada and start the process of...
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    Query about Urinalysis..seniors plz help

    I dont think you should worry about this. the DMP will definitely look at the results and if there is an issue s/he will contact you if further tests are required. the problem with traces of blood in urine is that it could be due to kidney stones. if the DMP does not request further tests, it...
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    applicant received PER in Feb/March...lets connect here

    referring to the link given by honney at the bottom left. it says Date Modified: 2012-06-29 What puzzles me is that 2012-06-29 is yet to come.
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    Got my Perm!!! +Landing Question

    well answered by asyousuf just one more thing if you and your family choose to land separately you must do the landing first (Assuming that you are the principal applicant), then your wife and kid can do their landing. Landing trip can be very short. almost forgot ;) CONGRATULATIONS and good...
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    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    below is how cic answers your question. hope it helps. How to obtain a police certificate Italy Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence? Yes. Two certificates are required: the Certificato penale generale del casellario giudiziale, and the Certificato...
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    expectation july 2012..............................

    I don't think it is possible to guess. the official news could be out any time.
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    Need answers....

    you can track it using your courier tracking service I assume that you did not send your wife's saudi PCC, that is why they asked for it. If I am right that means they have received your child's documents and your PCC otherwise they would have asked for your PCC I don't think they usually reply...
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    According to current requirements, you may send your application without the PCCs (although you are highly encouraged to send PCCs with the initial application package). You don't have to write a letter. However, you need to provide the PCCs whenever they ask for it later. the requirements...
  17. W

    Does any one has idea what is the meaning of P.A in capis , plz do rply qurox

    PA could mean Principal Applicant or it could mean something else related to file location. since you got your CAIPS notes two days ago I would assume that the data on the notes are 1 month old. This means at the time your CAIPS notes were generated, the additional documents requested were not...