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  1. Bcmom72


    Dear Embassy workers, Please hurry along the files on your desk for us...maybe not take as long of lunch breaks or skip a coffee once in a while....we would love to be reunited with our families!
  2. Bcmom72


    Do any of you know if it is a challenge for individuals once they get their PR for Canada, to go to vacation in the US? Is there something that has to be done, and is it easy to obtain?
  3. Bcmom72


    FYI, if anyone on here lives in the Vancouver area, this Saturday is the annual Mexico Fest! Here is the link http://mexicofest.ca/
  4. Bcmom72


    They came at the same time....so he took them with him to the interview, than two months later they told him they didn't have them on file. Than in August they asked him for his 'original' birth certificate. I guess the translated one that was submitted was not sufficient. I really don't know...
  5. Bcmom72


    Ours was changed to In Process August 16, still no PPR :(
  6. Bcmom72


    Oh yes back in March at his interview! Meds were submitted last September too with the app package....fingers and toes are crossed for good news soon...we leave Sunday to go down and see them, I would love to give them the good news in person!!
  7. Bcmom72


    Ok, should we be getting excited....I just checked the ECAS site, once I entered the page for the update, instead of saying APPLICATION RECEIVED for the permanent Residence, it now says IN PROCESS....the interview was already in March etc....anyone else had this update on theirs???
  8. Bcmom72


    Transferred in November, had his interview end of March....we have sent two case specific enquiries with no response to either....it's for my son in law, my daughter is living with him in Cancun until it is completed....thank goodness we will be there in one week to viit again...
  9. Bcmom72


    It seems like no PPR's recently.....still waiting here....About a month ago they requested the original birth certificate, when in the beginning we had to submit a translated one, rrrgghhh very frustrating. It seems that after every request they make, its a two month wait for news. Fingers...
  10. Bcmom72


    Still waiting for the passport request. There was a glitch as he didnt submit the right federal police form. They didn't tell him this at the interview, when he handed it in, they told him 2 months later! It is now submitted, and still waiting! As for her health, she is doing a lot better, she...
  11. Bcmom72


    Does anyone have a direct number to contact the Mexico City embassy??? Please, we need to call them Monday...my daughter is down there with her husband, as some of you know. She has something going on medically with her now, and needs to see 'her' family doctor...she won't leave without...
  12. Bcmom72


    Well we are still waiting to hear something....his friend who works for the fed. government got another police certificate for him, as the info was all still on file. Than it was given to his mother, who took it to the embassy. Now we sit and wait....as far as I am concerned, it was just too...
  13. Bcmom72


    You guys are all amazing support!!!! have a great weekend all!!! :D
  14. Bcmom72


    Here is the letter from the Embassy yesterday.... It states they have completed the assessment to immigrate to Canada. I have determined you do not meet the requirements to move to Canada. States that he was asked to produce the Mexico Federal Police Certificate, which he did, within 60 days to...
  15. Bcmom72


    thanks for the encouragement guys! i am hoping they kept a copy of this, but probably didn't! they have 30 days to contact them and resubmit. It just baffles me.....
  16. Bcmom72


    I am just trying to get that figured out right now,honest to goodness, this should have been a happy email we received today, soooo angry! And of course trying to communicate with them on their different work schedules and ours , my daughter and son in law in mexico,and their limited credit on...
  17. Bcmom72


    worst news....just had an email saying at this he is denied....reason: saying that he didnt hand in the Federal Police Certificate!!! He handed it in at his interview!!!!!!!!! what do we do now???????
  18. Bcmom72


    We applied before the PR sponsorship, had return tickets booked and paid for as well for my son in law. DENIED! Our immigration lawyer who used to work for immigration told us that 95% of applicants for visitor visas are denied.
  19. Bcmom72


    That is the jist of my daughters message too, that its being reviewed.....fingers crossed....
  20. Bcmom72


    Well No Word yet...rrgghh....my daughter was telling me on Skype tonite that she has called the embassy to find out what is going on. When she did get answered, all it was was a recording stating what was already on the CIC site. Has anyone else had any luck actually speaking to anyone at the...