Sorry Suttam, but I dont think it is depending on this.
Even I have 3 dpependents (Spouse, and 2 kids), and also me and my husband both are working. We have received our DM, and awaitng our passports.
Hi Abbba,
Which place in India do you live, coz it took almost 8 days to get back your passports from NDVO after DM. I am awaitng my passports now after DM updation on 15th Feb. Keeping my fingers crossed.
That was pretty quick. I mean, you got DM on 14th Feb, and received the passports on 17th Feb through registered post. Hope, I too receive mine by mid of this week.
What was the Visa issue date for you?
The day has just startd Raghav. I am very much sure that you will receive the good news today, or at the max by tomorrow EOD. Have faith in god. When you reached till this stage, god will surely sail you smoothly through the last stage as well.