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  1. Merlyns_Tim

    A strain on your relationship?

    I think there are a lot of Canadian guys who are looking forward to retiring in what ever country their wife came from. I could buy a brand new house in a nice new subdivision in Iloilo for anywhere from $35,000 and up. Living in Canada I'm one of those who would never be able to afford my own...
  2. Merlyns_Tim

    Fiance Visa, .. a better alternative

    In all honesty I have no idea why the Fiance Visa was removed. They were just as strict (my brother and his wife had nightmares trying to get her approval to come over) and I'm sure had to go through similar scrutiny, but once they allowed it she came, and they married shortly after. It's been a...
  3. Merlyns_Tim


    Thanks so much Cyela, It really is hard waiting so long when you know you have a good spouse, and everything is legit. It's like they're on a witch hunt, and just don't want to admit than not everyone marries just so they can get to Canada. In all honesty my wife would have far sooner moved to...
  4. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Not in any way saying that "is" what happens, ... just that it wouldn't surprise me. This thought of course is coming from a guy who has been waiting for 15 months for his wife to get her visa, and who was shocked almost numb in seeing a work acquaintance fly through in 8 months, with absolutely...
  5. Merlyns_Tim

    A strain on your relationship?

    Yes I really like Antipolo and told Merlyn it's one of the places I'd most like to live if we retire back there. She's originally from the province of Iloilo though and I loved that as well. So many nice places over there, and with a brother already retired in Quezon City I wouldn't mind calling...
  6. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Some people would pay a lot to save a few months, and I don't think it would be that hard for someone on the take to set up.
  7. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I myself once had a gf who was 25 years younger but never felt we had anything in common, .. plus I was always wondering what the heck she was doing with me. Never hung out with her friends or mine, .. so I agree 25 years is big difference. ;D
  8. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    As politically incorrect as it is to even think this it makes a person who's documents are taking so long wonder if the Embassy in Manila is like most other offices there in the Philippines where you pay extra and get yours done first, while those who don't pay wait. ;)
  9. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Strangely enough I have a workmate that went to the Philippines and married a 26 year old (He's 52) and they zipped through the CIC like shot through a gun. 8 months, .. start to finish, ... while my wife and I who are only 7 years apart are still waiting for her visa after 15 months. Now that...
  10. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Thanks so much Halfmoon. I've been checking out these forums pretty much since we sent our documents in back on Sept. 07, 2011, and only today finally joined in. Hope you have a great time at your Christmas party. :)
  11. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    From a male perspective, ... Get to know the other person well before going where ever they are with plans to marry (I knew my own wife very well through several hours of chat every day for about a year). Know about their friends and family. If they're interested in you for the right reasons...
  12. Merlyns_Tim

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Is it Love or Opportunity? My wife asked so may times if I could move there instead, and when you hear that, you just know it's not that they want to leave all they have behind just to be in Canada, .. but rather that as long as you're together no matter if the Philippines or Canada, all...
  13. Merlyns_Tim

    Can PR/spousal visa processing be put on hold if requested?

    I feel bad for you. What a horrible situation to find yourself in. Your wife may have ulterior motives, but she might also be completely innocent and someone's trying to stir up trouble. One thing you do have in your favor now is any new PR recipient is on a 2 year probation so supposedly at...
  14. Merlyns_Tim

    A strain on your relationship?

    That really sucks and I truly feel for you. My birthday's the day before Christmas so last year I went without my wife for both of those special occasions, .. and if something doesn't happen darn soon we'll both have a really depressing Christmas again this year. You are fortunate in him having...
  15. Merlyns_Tim

    A strain on your relationship?

    I understand completely Bonitanita, To me it's like the CIC takes the human aspect out of things completely and to them we're only numbers on a piece of paper. Like me though I have a feeling you'll hang in there come hell or high water. Most of our problems are CIC related. I'm over anxious...
  16. Merlyns_Tim

    Fiance Visa, .. a better alternative

    Exactly Marie_ann, the way the CIC has it now's totally backwards. If they're going to tell you to go to another country and marry then they should not have the option of turning your spouse down once you've done everything that was asked of you. At least with a Fiance visa you wouldn't end up...
  17. Merlyns_Tim

    Fiance Visa, .. a better alternative

    Not Necessarily Truesmile My brother met his wife in the newspaper personals way back before we all had computers. They corresponded by snail mail for quite a while and the first time he ever touched her in person was right here in Canada when she landed (which was of course after lots of...
  18. Merlyns_Tim

    Fiance Visa, .. a better alternative

    Hello I've been reading these forums for a long time now as I've waited for my wife's approval. There are a lot of things in CIC rules that really don't make much senses (in my opinion). When you go to the website to find out what your options are there are a few, .. but the only one that makes...
  19. Merlyns_Tim


    It's a little late for me to start laying out our timeline, but I'll try to lay out a few of the more important things. I went to the Philippines and married in April 2011, with the idea that this would go very smooth and I'd soon have my wife with me in Canada. When I kissed my wife goodbye the...
  20. Merlyns_Tim

    A strain on your relationship?

    As for me I had to start drawing my CPP early because of how long this whole ridiculous process is taking. If not for that I would have been in huge trouble long ago. I sincerely hope you find work cause I know what it's like worrying about money.