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  1. M

    SOWP Update Applied in month of April/May??

    anybody applied online for both work permit and SOWP together?
  2. M

    Spouse Open Work Permit Paper Based with Medical Upfront applied in New Delhi

    anybody applied together for both work permit and SOWP online?
  3. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    so getting a medical request means it's almost at the end of processing?
  4. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    Also, I wonder when you apply for both work permit and SOWP together online, is the timeline for processing both applications would be the same or differently?
  5. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    try mailing them with your application number!
  6. M

    Open work permit

    I applied together for my work permit and her SOWP.
  7. M

    Open work permit

    Yes, I applied three weeks back. Maybe try creating a new account?
  8. M

    Open work permit

    It is required. Double check whether you did the answers all the questions? I think you have an option to re do the questionnaire.
  9. M

    Employers discriminate against PGWP holders?

    Also, keep in mind that the company have to spend extra money on your LMIA, work permit and the time period for processing or uncertainty with application process only adds their demotivating factors for hiring a foreigner. It's all about persistence, don't give up. There are many companies that...
  10. M

    Passport Submission at Canadian Embassy Abu Dhabi

    Thanks a lot Karki, I will give that a try!
  11. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    Yes, your SOWP is valid only till your spouse's work permit.
  12. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    Hey guys, just for your info. I applied online for my wife's SOWP along with my work permit on 20th June and I received her medical request on July 7th. I think her medical results were uploaded a bit later than mine so she got the medical request while I got the original passport request. At...
  13. M

    Spouse Open Work permit

    I have this same question for my wife's SOWP, she have already done the medical check up and received e-tracking form but I do not see any place to upload the form in the cic website. Is this check automated by CIC once the entry is made into database?
  14. M

    E-medical upload option SOWP

    I got a request for my wife's medical check couple of days back. I got UMI tracking sheet from clinic today and they confirmed have uploaded the records to the database. However I do not see an option to upload this document on the website? I did checked required document list in which I had...
  15. M

    Passport Submission at Canadian Embassy Abu Dhabi

    I still haven't found any solution so probably I might need to send someone on my behalf. Anyway here is couple of links which may help others http://www.trackitt.com/canada-discussion-forums/landing-in-canada/340058995/how-to-send-passports-to-india-for-visa-stamping...
  16. M

    Passport Submission at Canadian Embassy Abu Dhabi

    Hello there, I have submitted my Work permit application online (New Delhi) on 20th June and I had done by medical checkup upfront. Today, 7th July I have received original passport request and I was wondering whether it is possible to submit my passport for visa stamping here in UAE or I have...
  17. M

    Advice needed regarding a spousal open work permit

    I am not sure about all those questions but I just applied for my wife's open work permit along with my work permit. Before you apply, CIC website ask you certain questions and if you answered them correctly then they would take you to a page where you can upload both yours and your wife's...
  18. M

    UAE Resident applying for WP through New Delhi Embassy.

    So you went to India for application while staying in UAE?
  19. M

    UAE Resident applying for WP through New Delhi Embassy.

    Got any insights anyone? ::)
  20. M

    UAE Resident applying for WP through New Delhi Embassy.

    Hi Rajan, Thanks for the quick reply. I am currently in Dubai so can I still make application online and choose my resident location as India. So they would process it at New Delhi? Or is there any specific option to choose visa process center in the online portal while submitting application...