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  1. B

    Type of Interview Questions

    i am in the same stuation with you nyque i just get a e mail from paris they told me that an interview is request but they dont tell me about the date or the place but i think it will be here in tunisia but i dont know when so pls have you any idea about...
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    Ankara, Turkey Visa office-anyone with experience

    mrs turan we all weting here and we are all in the same stuation but nothing we can do just keeping pray and dont be stressed and whay we dont for get about it for a bitt us nothing we can do its nothing in our heand
  3. B

    i just just wanna know if some one can help me

    hi evry body i wanna ask dus pregancy its a prouve for that the relation ship is genuim or not ?
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    Ankara, Turkey Visa office-anyone with experience

    thnx mrs turan for replay so its important than to contact gcms or just in case ???so haw i contact them or i cant only for my wife from canda can contact them?and that service is with mony?if its haw much is cost all service
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    hi if some one get this hi can help me

    thnx for replay so its important that to cantact the gcms ???if so whay i cant contact from here and haw much is cost?
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    Ankara, Turkey Visa office-anyone with experience

    thnx so much for replay what is the GCMS and whay i need to contact?
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    hi if some one get this hi can help me

    thnx for replay but what is the gcms?pls explain with allthe world and haw i can contact them i need to know so pls help
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    Ankara, Turkey Visa office-anyone with experience

    my interview will be in tunisia...so what things you think i need to prpare for it?what is the vo???you think in few week they will contact me again?
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    Ankara, Turkey Visa office-anyone with experience

    hi mrs turan haw are you?i hope you okand your husbed...i think your rember me no?ok i jsut want to ask you about something did the application of your husbend for PR was sended tougth paris ?haw hi know about that hi have interview?they send him mail or buy post...
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    hi its so important

    ok thnx for replay but pls you can expline more what is vo give me all words us i alwys see that word but i dont undrestand it and what is GCMS/CaIPS in all words plz...and if you can tell wich language the interview or its up to me what i want?because i say in...
  11. B

    hi its so important

    thnx so much for replay so what dus mean GCMS/CaIPS?and haw she contact them and whay they dont call me for just the interview whay they send mail just to say it request so is that normal? haw long the intrvew take??
  12. B

    hi its so important

    hi evry body pls help really i need ypur advices...yesterday i get a email from paris they say that an interview is request...but they dont tell me about the date or place of my interview so i need to know when they will contact me the next time about it and...
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    plssssss someone help me

    thnx at all so much :)
  14. B

    pls i need help from all ppls specially who they are throug paris pls help

    hi evry body speceally who go through paris i need help...so today i get some email from paris say that is an interview is request but they dont tell me about the date of this interview or place...so my question so haw long take for them to decide about date and...
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    plssssss someone help me

    thnk so much for your replay?you dont know some one of them?
  16. B

    plssssss someone help me

    hi again for evry body...so today i just get a email from paris say that an interview request but they dont tell me about the date or the palce for interview...so my question is when they will tell me abit the date i mean haw long it will take them to tell me...
  17. B

    hi if some one get this hi can help me

    hi again...today i just get aemail from paris they say that is an interview request but they dont tell me about the date of my interview...so i need to know when they will tell me about my intirview i mean haw long it will take them to decide about the date of...
  18. B

    interview advise

    hi patopato haw are you???first i wanna say congradulation about that your husbend get his visa and hi finally landin with you...i am from tunisia and i have a application for PR and if you have no prob you can tell me with detail what happend with your application...