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  1. R

    Singapore timeline

    Hi i,am so sorry to hear that shiny.pls keep strong faith on all mighty ALLAH only can remove this darknees from our life. i know it,s realy painful for u & us been waiting for interview schedule that,s why now a days i don,t come this forum regurelly & check my e-cas cause whenever i check...
  2. R

    Singapore timeline

    hello shiny i,m very well.sometimes i cheack this forum & cheak e-cas to see if you guys have any news i do,t write anything cause i have nothing to write .i have not heard anything from svo unfortunatly . i have no baby yet. hope we all get some good news soon .we can all feel each others...
  3. R

    Singapore timeline

    congratulation ! nothing yet from my side .after long time i have to say singapore visa office cross my patience limit cause ten months gone still they don,t fixt our interview date yet. i belive everyone has a limit .i don,t have any idea how long we have to wait for . probably svo want to...
  4. R

    Singapore timeline

    shiny, i think we should wait untrill interview date . after interview u can order again GCMS then u i,ll know what he,s comment on ur file . u know i received GCMS 1 st week of feb that,s why still waiting for interview too. think about it when they send us letter from singapore they wrote...
  5. R

    Singapore timeline

  6. R

    Singapore timeline

    hey! mirjahan i belive u got ur answer from shainy she might represent me. cause she,s memory r so sharp. thanks for your generous shainy.
  7. R

    Singapore timeline

    shainy my wife coming on 10th april. yup atlest it,s good news for me cause visa office they try hardly to keep apart from our beloved once but they maybe forgot true spouses never be apart from heart only for pysical they just destroyed our happiness & peace cause soon we will be united...
  8. R

    Singapore timeline

    thanks shiny. janathan i know this is the hard part to prove but more hardast part who made us in this world to test us who faced grife,fear,hardship,distress so we have to rely on allah & keep trust on allah& never lose hope in allah if allah will help that would be realy easy for us inshaallah.
  9. R

    Singapore timeline

    THANKS, here is my GCMS DETAILS. security, eligibility,criminality are same like u. medical: in progress. FILE STATUS: OPEN, APP STATUS :PROSPECTIVE, NOTES 3:TEXT: IVQ LETTER SEND . NOTES 4.TEXT:MARRIGE WAS ATTEMPT TO GET STATUS FOR PA IVQ. we have to rely on allah & will help us for this...
  10. R

    Singapore timeline

    hey ! when did u get ur GCMS ? what he has a wrote at note about ur relationship plz. best of luck.
  11. R

    What is BF'D ? --EXPLAINED >>>

    The GCMS notes (replacement of CAIPS), each category have due dates, does the due dates represents BF'D as in CAIPS? Because I have received my GCMS, and due dates are 10/02/2012, but have no heard anything from the VO. so frustated thanks
  12. R

    Singapore timeline

    greatfull & completely agree both of u guys. inshaallah very soon will grant our pititions.
  13. R

    Singapore timeline

    respect regards & thanks to provide so usefull information. i think due date is not bring forward date .cause my due date was on there feb10 2012 but they did,t do anything .i belive they don,t meantion when will be interview but after interview they put outcome. ONLY CAN PRAY O"ALLAH HELP...
  14. R

    Singapore timeline

  15. R

    Singapore timeline

    hey ! i been applied caips notes feb 22nd but insted they gave me yesterday GCMS NOTES.there is nothing bring forward date. does anyone have idea about GCMS . how do i know my next Initial review or interview date ? officer wrote at down they suspicius our marrige. greatly appriciated for...
  16. R

    Singapore timeline

    shinny did,t got any news from singapore yet. don,t worry i,m right behind u. ALLAH gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to him. be patient sister never be hopeless .put ur trust on allah he allways dose right things.i have a strong faith he will help us on this hardship...
  17. R

    Singapore timeline

  18. R

    waiting for interview date & time

    realy appriciate u . pls still not gratting any news from singapore sir. i order caips notes at feb 22 but did,t got back anything yet . pls need help i,m gratting die day by day . i have no word to express to say how dasapointe about my life . thanks
  19. R

    waiting for an interview date/Vietnam

    please any advice for me . i,m so disapointed about my life how long have to wait for interview date sir ? since i recived letter i a m on interview quree on sep 17th 2011 till no news from singapore yet . appriciate ur great help.
  20. R

    Singapore timeline

    wishing you a very happy & memorable time for u & your beloved ones. PLEASE PRAY FOR US FROM UR HEART MIRJAHAN. GOOD LUCK.