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  1. canjamfam


    So a weird thing today, my husband got an email telling him to sign into his account because his account was updated and there was a new message. He signed in and there was nothing at all updated and no message. I signed in to both eCAS and GCKey and he was right there was nothing. I'm not...
  2. canjamfam


    I agree, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
  3. canjamfam


    Maybe you should send in a webform too and ask that way if there is something scheduled and the call never got made you will know and can be prepared.
  4. canjamfam


    No so I sent a request via webform as nothing is updated in eCAS or GCKey and they replied giving us an interview date of October 10. I don't know when they were planning on calling back but the interview date is 3 weeks away so what would have happened if I didn't send an email? Any news on...
  5. canjamfam


    That is awesome! The interview date you posted is October 5? That is soon so exciting!!! They never called my husband back today so fingers crossed he hears tomorrow and our interview will be close as well. ;D
  6. canjamfam


    Yes that is fine with me to be added to the spreadsheet. I was hoping we would be avoiding an interview but that's ok. Spartabarbiie - I hope you will be lucky and just get right thru and get the stamp.
  7. canjamfam


    I hope you hear soon, your application date is very close to our date. There was nothing on eCAS or on the linked file. I don't know why because they say it is "updated daily", LOL. I'm nervous too hoping it's moving forward for us all and nervously awaiting an update on if they called my...
  8. canjamfam


    We got a call today to schedule an interview, anything on your end? I'm crossing fingers we all get through quick!!!!!
  9. canjamfam


    Spartabarbiie did your husband get a call today? My husband got one to schedule an interview but missed the call. They said on the VM that they would call back. There was no email either so we are waiting anxiously for the return call. Fingers crossed you got a call too..........
  10. canjamfam


    Congrats :)
  11. canjamfam


    I'm praying we hear something soon! Monday be a lucky day for us.......
  12. canjamfam


    yes me too
  13. canjamfam


    Way to go Chucky :) you are fast as lightning getting everything done. You're the Usain Bolt of landing stories :) :)
  14. canjamfam


    yes my sponsorship also changed to decision made but pr side still in process as well. The notes I just received has 2 different due dates, one was August 15, 2016 and the other is November 25, 2016. August came and went and we didn't hear anything. Hopefully us September apps will hear...
  15. canjamfam


    Yes true but I thought I had read a post from Chucky that he was notified a month or two before his interview. I was kind of hoping to hear the same thing in September that there would be an interview (or not) around November which would make it a year when the file was transferred. Would love...
  16. canjamfam


    Has anyone from September 2015 applications heard anything yet? I'm hoping we hear something soon the forum seems eerily quiet with no news out of KVO except with the awesome news of the few that just got their PR's and have landed. Congrats again to all of you! One small victory, I did...
  17. canjamfam


    Chucky you have just flown thru all of the obstacles so quickly! I hope you and your wife have a great week touring around and exploring :)
  18. canjamfam


    Congratulations to you again :) I am so happy for you and your family to finally be reunited in Canada ;D
  19. canjamfam


    When we paid our fees we emailed them a copy of the receipt along with our application number. We received an email from them requesting more information and this is what it said: Dear Sir/Madam, More Information Required: - full name, as it appears in the applicant’s passport - date of...
  20. canjamfam


    Here is some info from cic.gc.ca that talk about interviews. We as spouses have every right to be there. First they will talk to the person being sponsored then th spouse/family. Good if you have kids to bring them too. What you should expect at the interview? You, your spouse or common-law...