Question guys, so I paid the resident fee ($490)but this was was the email said.
In order to conclude your application, a RPRF fee in the amount of $490 is required. Please submit this total fee withing thirty days from the date of this letter, and send it our bring it to our office with a copy of this letter.
Proof of RPRF payment may be submitted to the High Commission via email or via courier, please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address to the High Commission at the address indicated below.
So do we email or mail it in??
When we paid our fees we emailed them a copy of the receipt along with our application number. We received an email from them requesting more information and this is what it said:
Dear Sir/Madam,
More Information Required:
- full name, as it appears in the applicant’s passport
- date of birth,
- file number (if available),
- telephone number, including area code,
- fax number, including area code,
- mailing address,
- email address
Immigration Section / Section de l’immigration
High Commission of Canada / Haut-commissariat du Canada
Kingston, Jamaica / Kingston, Jamaïque
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Fax: (876)733-3480
So probably best to send it to them via email in the way they are asking for the information. Good luck