I have applied for 1 year PG diploma course in Practical elements of Mechanical Engineering in Fanshawe college under general category on 1 August, 2014. Still waiting. Yes, I have 2 years of Exp after B.E. Mech. Let's see what happen.
@ gopinath thanks dear. I haven't any option left. If visa is (under general category) rejected in canada then i only option left is Nz. I heard that part time job is easily available in and PR chances are batter too. I dont what to do. Do you have any links related to Mech course ?
I am planning to study in New zealand (NZ). Can anybody tell me what is the demand of Mechanical Engineering in NZ? Getting visa is easier then canada. Please, send me some link on my id prashantghediya@yahoo.co.in
or give me your valuable suggestions.
Applied in general category on 1 August, 2014 after rejected under spp. How many days It will take now? My enrollment date in fanshawe college is 2 Sep, 2014. When can I expect any reply from CIC? Please, help me.
One person in this forum named anishak7 have achieved his visa in only 5 days under general category. It seems in last days of August, CIC work faster.
Applied in general category on 1 August, 2014 after rejected under spp. How many days It will take now? My enrollment date in fanshawe college is 2 Sep, 2014. When can I expect any reply from CIC? Please, help me.
Submitted visa file on 1 august under general category form VFS ahmedabad. My last date for enrollment - fanshawe college is 2 sep, 2014. When can I accept reply from High commission, Canada?