I know they ask for such things, n not all the companies look for the experienced workers because they will have to pay more and even it hard to get out of their previous routines.
What is your Second Review due date ?
Well i am also in the same boat . I am Jan applicant.
I am waiting for my Second Review from 4 months, my CEC representative told me not to go for upfront medicals. I also want to do it Upfront. Hopefully someone else can give us better answer.
But some time they just postpone it , like mine was due at Dec End but then they changed it to Feb,2015. It was changed in the month of November :(
I hope this time they will not change it .
I applied in jan 2014, AOR FEB, First Review was done in August and Second review due date was 21 Dec,2014 and then it is changed to 21 feb, 2015.
Waiting to hear from them.
Fingers Crossed .
I got my GCMS Notes which show Review Required.
The due date is given in Feb 2015.
I just want to know that review will be done on this date only or it can be done before that its just the deadline ?
I got this letter in september and i have replied them back in First week of october but till now i have not got any response from CIC.
Is anybody there who has got response ?
Any idea what are the chances if this letter comes :(