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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Gracias por tu respuesta, no tendriamos problema con la espera si no fuese porque al parecer estoy embarazada (seis semanas) y es complicado atenderme aca (costoso) y atenderme en mi pais seria estar lejos de mi esposo :(
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    July 2016 is a date when you sent all documents to canada or your file sent yo LIMAVO?
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    Married but haven't lived together yet and have no shared finances

    The new forms ask for all that ?. In 2016 just send photos, conversation. We were over 7 years old but only 5 months married and we did not have any property or bank accounts.
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    When can my wife come to Canada

    She can visit you, but she can only stay for up to 6 months
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    Hi, the status of my process is: Documents filed in September 2016 Approval as sponsor in October 2016 Documents received in VO lima January 2017 After that we have no news :(, my medical exam expires in July 2017 Now I am visiting my husband in Canada and it seems that I am pregnant, someone...
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Gracias por responder! Ya llevo ocho meses en mi proceso de apadrinamiento y aun no hay ninguna noticia, nuestro representante no es de ayuda y eso nos frustra un poco. Ahora estoy visitando a mi esposo en Canada.
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    A lo que me refiero es: Mi medical exam expira en julio 2017 (los realice en julio 2016), con cuantos meses de anticipacion me solicitan nuevamente el medical exam... lo que pasa es que estoy en canada y pienso quedarme unos meses mas
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    hola, podrias ayudarme con lo de GCKEY, cree la cuenta pero no puedo encontrar mi aplicacion. Mi medical exam expira en junio 25, sabes con cuanto tiempo de anticipacion solicitan otro? Gracias!
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    Visitor visa GRANTED!(Wife of PR)

    Thank you very much for all the info. I Apply to TRV on February 14 and I approved the visa and soon I will visit my husband. :)
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    Visitor visa GRANTED!(Wife of PR)

    Hi, how was the interview? I am in process of PR but on February 14 request my TRV and still I have no answer. How many days did your TRV process last?