If they are mailing cards to the US, then that is a pretty recent change. Never heard of that before, but with the recent cultural changes at IRCC after the Liberal government took over that place less emphasis on actual residency, who knows what they are up to.
Rent: $1000 a month for something basic. Start there and keep adding: Transportation (want a car, or are you OK with public transport?), food, clothing, medicine (no pharmacare yet!), utilities, cellphone bill (not cheap in Canada!).
Come on guys, OP wants to help his cousin. No foul in that. But it does appear he might not be aware of how difficult that could be. OP, car needs to first be exported from the US before it can he imported to Canada and that is not easy. Might want to research a broker to do that for you...
Ah, I see. This seems a little draconian for someone who hasn't lived in Canada for 15 years. I am not sure how it would work when a married couple is returning to Canada, one of whom is a former resident and the other is setting up a residence for the first time. Two separate forms?
Could you explain your conundrum a little more? If your husband hasn't lived in Canada for 15 years, he would be considered a returning former resident and could import the car himself as settler's effects and avoid tax, etc. There really doesn't appear to be a need to transfer title, etc. Where...
Are you a former resident who will be returning to Canada to live? If so, you can call the car settler's effects and avoid GST/HST/PST, but not duty and there are many requirements the vehicle will have to meet before it can be imported and registered in Canada--unless it is more than 15 years...
Your immigration status won't affect your credit score. If you have been paying on time for an auto loan for awhile, your score will eventually go up, but too many applications might make it go down. But if you have unpaid collections, that's a major detriment depending on how old it is.
Whatever you do, do not cancel insurance without first returning your plates. Some states will consider you to have been driving uninsured during that time period and subject you to massive fines and penalties.
What shape do you want the car to be in? $5000 might get you something with 150K plus KMS, it might pass safety, but expect some kind of repairs soon and then you have taxes and insurance.