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  1. RandysGirl


    Hi forum family! hope everyone has a wonderful easter weekend. I dont expect any news or updates until well into next week, hubby says it is "Holy Thursday" today (?) and everything is closed.... However, I personally am trying not to obsess too much and I am trying to just have a little faith...
  2. RandysGirl


    I will be there june 20th!!! heres to another great week coming for everyone. It snowed alot today yuck, spring is coming soon right?? or did someone up there forget to changetheir calendar! ;) ;)
  3. RandysGirl


    Yay for Ladyposh!!!!! hflav, sorry about your troubles, sometimes life throws some pretty harsh lessons at you. My wish for you is that one day you may look back on this and see how much better you are without that ratbastard (sorry for saying that outloud) hugs What an awsome week so far and...
  4. RandysGirl


    Mabe my hubby will be here by July or August (he keeps saying he will be).... hard to not get my hopes up :D
  5. RandysGirl


    I was wondering if anyone is intersted in having a link up. I know we were discussing it a few months ago. It would probably have to be in the toronto area as that seems most central to alot of us in Ontario. It would be great to meet some people who have gone through or are going through this...
  6. RandysGirl


    YAY LONELY I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was at the airport yesterday picking up a family member. The flight ahead of him was arriving from mobay and I could faintly imagine that one day I would be standing in that same spot waiting for my husband to come out of those doors. I...
  7. RandysGirl


    I AM SO HAPPY FOR EVERYONE!!!!! What great news for lonely and chuckie and anyone else who got updates. I guess they were just working hard. I was talking to my husband and telling him how quiet things have been... I have a feeling it may get quiet again real soon as easter holidays are coming...
  8. RandysGirl


    Wait!!!! I can!! your husband need to sign certain pages of the application. I dont have the info on which pages he must sign, but mabe someone else here does, my copy of my package is with my immigration specialist. SQueen have a nice flight home, unfortunately it is pretty cold still. How...
  9. RandysGirl


    Thanks Canuck!! I am in the middle of performance reviews myself, I really can use some of them that is for sure. I actually fired someone in the middle of a p. review last week because the guy told me to f myself with my performance review :o lol... (thank goodness I grew thicker skin from my...
  10. RandysGirl


    SQueen, take a deep breath lol. I used clips too and made sure to do an index and page numbers. I was told not to go crazy on the pictures and was told 10 was good enough as long as it shows various points in our relationship. I printed 2 perpage with references and explanations about each...
  11. RandysGirl


    Why not fedex it from Jamaica to the CIC office? that would be alot cheaper than flying it there lol. Did you do the medicals and police records check yet?
  12. RandysGirl


    Actually SQueen, I posted before on the forum that I think we have a mutual friend in Negril. If u are who I think u are I tried calling on u at your shop once but it was closed (small world!) I only lasted 9 months, but I miss it every single day and I never regret giving it my all. pm me if u...
  13. RandysGirl


    Hi everyone, I have been working like an insane person since I got back from Jamaica, which is a blessing because I have no time to be sad about leaving him behind again. Congrats on baby news and updates recently. Just wanted to poke my head in and say thank you for your support and for this...
  14. RandysGirl


    This whole ecas thing is very sad. It is not like we are checking on an update on our facebook, this is our lives we are waiting on, and for most of us who are in limbo without our family being together. It is so unprofessional for them to have such a terrible "glitch" in their system, I am a GM...
  15. RandysGirl


    Good evening everyone and congrats on the good news updates and babies. I got home late Monday night from 5 days in Jamaica to see my husband. I had not seen him in 5 months, needless to say we NEVER left the yard lol :D ;D... who knows mabe I will have a likkle good news of my own in a few...
  16. RandysGirl


    Congrats gbless!!!! Lonely, Im leaving on the 22nd hope to link up I will call you. This time around I land at night, I have heard Mobay is not as crazy busy as it is at 2:30 in the afternoon, although I still expect a thorough search of my bags as usual. Those girls at the airport LOVE to go...
  17. RandysGirl


    OMG I missed Tuesday entirely!!! LOL
  18. RandysGirl


    Happy belated Anniversary Lonely!! I have my fingers crossed that you will get that call today! I am leaving in 6 days, I hope we can link up. Ok so it is Tuesady Kingston, wake up now and get calling!!!!!!
  19. RandysGirl


    Just wondering about interviews... my status still ssays medicals recieved.Has anyone been at this stage and asked to do an interview?? and if an interview is required, do i have to go through one as well? Acording to the cic website, it looks as though medicals recieved is near the end of the...
  20. RandysGirl


    Congrats everyone that recieved updates! I double checked my status and it still says medicals recieved, I was a bit worried...